Week 2 Challenge

Ok everyone, so far results have been wonderful! Again, I want to remind you to not get discouraged if you have not lost any or even if you have gained. We are all in this together! One quick tip that I have found to be SO valuable is to make sure you are monitoring your sodium intake. Too much sodium can keep you bloated and retaining water.

The challenge for this week is to find one extra fruit or vegetable you normally don't eat or haven't tried, and incorporate it into at least one of your daily meals this week. We want to stay as natural as we can and adding simply one extra serving of fruits or vegetables helps us to maintain a balanced diet. Weight loss is wonderful but not at the expense of nutrition. It is extremely important we eat the right amount of each food.

For me I have added watermelon. This is a naturally sweet fruit and is very filling. Instead of snacking on popcorn while studying, I have incorporated watermelon/strawberry shakes. They are delicious (just watermelon, fresh strawberries that I freeze, and ice).

Happy 4th of July and good luck!


  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    well this is something I have recently done with my shopping ... I added sweet potato .... very tasty, Im shocked Ive gotten to this age and never tried it before. lol

    Today we made sweet and ordinary potato mash

    we mashed them both together ... no need to add butter or milk, they mash and taste amazing without them :)

    thanks for taking the time to run this group :) hats off to you
  • vicky1804
    vicky1804 Posts: 320 Member
    I tried aubergine this Sunday, yum.
    Think i might have it again tonight. Might stuff it with something
  • sweetebonyprincess
    sweetebonyprincess Posts: 53 Member
    I think i'm going to try a sharon fruit my 12 year old daughter say's it yummy
  • GrammaBonnie
    GrammaBonnie Posts: 232 Member
    I'm always looking for new foods -- especially fruits and vegetables to add to our menu. Last week we added jicama to our salad mix. We added kohlrabi to our table a few weeks ago.

    We cut them up and put them in a large bowl with other hard vegetables (those that can be cut ahead of time without spoiling: broccoli, carrots, celery, fennel and onions.) When it is time to make a salad, we put our greens in a bowl, add a handful of these hard vegetables, and then add soft vegetables like tomatoes, mushrooms, cukes etc. It makes salad preparation much easier!
  • dixieangeln
    dixieangeln Posts: 26 Member
    I bought a mango!
  • jen55knight2
    jen55knight2 Posts: 3 Member
    I tried a raw kale salad and it was delicious! Here is a link...

    I added a poached egg on top with a little feta.
    Fun challenge!