New here and looking for friends : )

smartblonde529 Posts: 61 Member
Hi Ladies!

I am new to MFP and to counting calories in general. I am EBF my second child, my daughter who is 10 months old today. With my son I followed weight watchers and lost over 50lbs but got pregnant with my daughter before reaching my goal. I followed weight watchers after having my daughter for awhile but got a little bored with it and didn't want to pay for it anymore so I switched to good old calorie counting. I've been on MFP for 10 days now I think and have not lost any weight and seem to either stay the same or go up. I work out at least 60mins a day and always have and never before had trouble loosing weight. I usually eat pretty clean, lots of fruits, veggies, lean protein, and low fat dairy. It's kinda frustrating since I still have about 20-30lbs left to go to my goal.

Is anyone else having trouble loosing weight? I looked at the milk calculator and it said my daughter needs 40ozs of milk which is 800 extra calories and I know I've never eaten that much before and had this much trouble loosing weight. My daughter EBF but she eats three meals of homemade baby food everyday with rice cereal and some breast milk in it. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! \

And new friends, since I am new to MFP and calorie counting = ) smartblonde529

Thanks for reading!


  • Where did you find a mild calculator?
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 313 Member
    If your daughter is eating three meals a day, I don't think you need to factor in 800 calories for breasteeding. Once my baby started eating solids, I cut back by about 75 calories per meal from the 500 I started with. I would try only adding 350 calories a day for breastfeeding. Or, if you're willing to experiment, eat your maintenance calories for a month and eat your exercise calories back to see how much you're losing. That way, you'll know how much energy your body is really using to produce milk for the munchkin.
  • Milk is what I meant. Sorry!
  • ajhaugen2
    ajhaugen2 Posts: 3
    Welcome Dana! I sent you a friend request. :)
    I agree with wheezy - if she's eating solids you don't need 800. EBF means EXCLUSIVE, meaning breast milk is the only thing she's getting. That's not true in your daughter's case, she's also getting solids, so the amount of calories you'd need for EBF'ing isn't the same anymore.
  • smartblonde529
    smartblonde529 Posts: 61 Member
    Skyler2792- I Googled it...their were a couple different ones to choose from but I'm not sure how reliable it is since my daughter eats solid foods and the one I used didn't factor that in.

    Thanks ladies, that makes a lot more sense. I've been doing a lot of research on it but its so confusing haha. Some site say 300-500 extra calories while other say 1000. I've been trying to just eat when I'm hungry and make sure what I eat is healthy : )
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I just started too. I have 60 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me.
  • vtsantiago
    vtsantiago Posts: 12 Member
    hello :)

    I am ebf my baby girl. I also have a 1.5 year old boy. I want to get back to my pre pre preganancy shape. I just hit a plateau. I am going to try completely switching my workout routine and calorie cycling. I was doing the 30 day shred. My hubby said my body probably got accustomed to my old routine and I need to shock my system with something new. I sent you a friend request.
  • smartblonde529
    smartblonde529 Posts: 61 Member
    I love working out and have actually been thinking about becoming a certified personal trainer. I took a couple classes on personal training and yes it is a great idea to change up your workouts every once in awhile if you can. I do weight training everyday on different muscles and I usually change up the exercises every two weeks. You can also just switch the order in which you do your exercises too and that can help a lot.