P90X friends and motivation

Hi Everyone,

My name is Rachel and I'm new to MFP and just starting to dip my toes into P90X. I love to exercise but my biggest problem is controlling my diet. I'll be good all day and then as soon as the lights go out... it's like a food orgy. I'd really like to make some friends so we can motivate and keep each other accountable plus share tips and all that good stuff.

good luck!


  • jmoralesx5
    jmoralesx5 Posts: 128 Member
    There are many here who do P90X. The workouts are hard. I'm on day 60 and it is amazing how much I have progressed from the 1st week to now. Just keep doing. As Tony Horton would say, anyone can do anything for 30 seconds!
  • weedsandbananas
    weedsandbananas Posts: 3 Member
    hey glad to meet you! and happy to hear there are other crazies out there, no kidding this stuff is hard! i plan on sticking to it though. my first official day starts tomorrow. that's great that you are more than half way there!!! and almost 30lbs lost. that's incredible.keep up the amazing work.