Turbo Fire weight loss stats

chargers8709 Posts: 103 Member
How long did it take to see results? Inches and weight.
I am on wk 6 and have lost inches but not much weight.


  • priepen
    priepen Posts: 37 Member
    I am in the same boat am on week 8 have lost inches but not a huge amount of weight, but from everything I have read I think this is normal for this program. I think we are just building muscle while losing fat so don't see a huge difference on the scale. I just try to stay away from the scale and as long as I am losing inches I know I am going in the right direction regardless of what the scale is saying.
  • IcassI
    IcassI Posts: 248 Member
    I personally consistently lost 2 lbs per week. I was really strict with sticking to my calories and doing the workouts. I used the formula Chalene provides in the nutrition book for Turbo Fire to determine my calories.

    ETA: I completed the 20 week program a month ago.
  • lkarinal
    lkarinal Posts: 107
    I lost 28lbs doing the 120 day Turbo Fire program, I followed the schedule to the T but not the food nutrition provided in the book. My alloted calories were 1200, BUT pay attention to this, I made sure to eat my excercise calories. This is how it worked for me, I'm 5'2 and my initial weight was 164lbs, just to give you an idea. I didn't lose weight consistently, there were weeks were I had no loss but still I kept pushing play. Make sure you fuel your body with the right amount of calories and enjoy the workout, trust me you willhave amazing results!!

    Happy Burning!! :wink:
  • Jdubmarie
    Jdubmarie Posts: 66 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I started week 3 yesterday and haven't lost a single pound. I'm hoping I've lost inches but my clothes don't feel any different. I'm going to put my scale away and not obsess about it because that gets me discouraged.
  • Jess830409
    Jess830409 Posts: 285 Member
    This post is very helpful as I am starting program in the next couple days. In the past on Turbo Jam and other programs I wouldnt see the scale move unless I followed program to the T and also was super diligent with my nutrition. Hand in hand the como seems to work well. Good luck to all.
  • ablissabby
    ablissabby Posts: 56 Member
    The best thing I did was follow Chalene's advice -- weight loss is 80% food/20% exercise. After completing Insanity with no weight loss (UGH!!), I re-evaluated what I wanted. I've been staying under my calories, I'm on Week 8 and I've lost 10 pounds (now I'm 137) and 10 inches. Oh well, at least for two months while on Insanity, I got to eat whatever I wanted and built a TON of endurance! :)

    Happy Turbo-ing!