box jumps!

rla099 Posts: 66 Member
I got my first wound!! I was trying to beat this other girl and i ate it bad! haha. I have an awesome scrap and burn down my shin. I also have a bruise and scrap on my elbow where I caught myself. My coach said it was really graceful though! I think that is the first time ive ever been called graceful. The scraps look good with my old soccer scars. lol.


  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    welcome to the club - I still have my battle wound from the box jump and my boobs still cringe when I try to go high (yep, I chest landed on the edge of the box)
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    yeah, now it'll become mental and you will doubt your ability to BJ!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Oh, yeah! Don't let 'em get inside your head!

    I ripped a toenail off once.... that was fun....
  • FloEd
    FloEd Posts: 15 Member
    Glad to know I'm not the only one! I fell face first into a pile of dumbbells, glasses went flying, I was writhing around on the floor in pain. I am now terrified of box jumps! I will jump on 4 45# plates (approx 12 inches) but but a box in front of me and I quiver in fear. :grumble:
  • aggiesrar05
    aggiesrar05 Posts: 335 Member
    Completely mental to me! I know I can actually do it, and have done it before, but I'm terrified of the damn box!
  • rla099
    rla099 Posts: 66 Member
    aww. Thanks ya'll!! haha! I'm glad i'm not the only one. It sounds like mine was minor compared to what could of happened. I had to finish the set but I def did it slower and paid more attn. I WILL BEAT THE BOX JUMP!!
  • aggiejane07
    aggiejane07 Posts: 23 Member
    I know how you feel. I busted my leg doing box jumps during Hope. It didn't feel that bad at the time. Minor little gash. By that night I could barely put weight on the leg and the next day had the ugliest bruise going from lower/mid shin almost up to my knee. (I am a bruiser anyways. Don't think I have had a bruise free day since starting crossfit). It is almost healed up now about a month later. They had us do ONE-LEGGED box jumps as a warmup on Monday. I looked at my coach like he was nuts. I had to pep talk myself into attempting it bc I could just see myself wiping out on it. Box jumps are scary ;-)
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Glad to know I'm not the only one! I fell face first into a pile of dumbbells, glasses went flying, I was writhing around on the floor in pain. I am now terrified of box jumps! I will jump on 4 45# plates (approx 12 inches) but but a box in front of me and I quiver in fear. :grumble:

    This is so funny to me because I am NOT a fan of jumping on plates at all! We stack plates on top of boxes if there aren't enough to go around and it completely freaks me out!
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I think everyone has done it a few times, I have no visible scars though so I am impressed with you war wounds:) In fact I don't have any permanent scars from CF which I find pretty surprising considering the damage I have done over the years.
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 335 Member
    ^^ Same here. No scars (yet) - plenty of bruises though!
  • aggiesrar05
    aggiesrar05 Posts: 335 Member
    Conquered my fear of the box!!!

    Long story short, we had to do box jumps in a WOD and I've been taking the weanie way out and jumping on a folded up mat instead. There was something about that box that even though it was only a little taller than the mat something about the box just scared me. Today I got out my mat for a 7round WOD and after the first round my coach came over and put an 18in box in front of the mat and refused to leave until I jumped on the box!!

    I DID IT!! Then I did it 34 more times :-)
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    ^ Best.felling.ever!
  • acedanger49
    I ripped a toenail off once....

    That just made me cringe. That must've been HORRIBLE!
  • rla099
    rla099 Posts: 66 Member
    Conquered my fear of the box!!!

    Long story short, we had to do box jumps in a WOD and I've been taking the weanie way out and jumping on a folded up mat instead. There was something about that box that even though it was only a little taller than the mat something about the box just scared me. Today I got out my mat for a 7round WOD and after the first round my coach came over and put an 18in box in front of the mat and refused to leave until I jumped on the box!!

    I DID IT!! Then I did it 34 more times :-)

    hahaha! Good Job!!!
  • acedanger49
    7round WOD

    o_O whoa.

    anything over 5 rounds makes me whine inside...(like the stuff between the mile runs in the Murph).

    Good job getting over your fear though. Prior to that, would you do the box step-ups instead? I saw you said you jumped on a mat, just wondering about the step ups. My wife is afraid of the box too. She and I both know it's all mental, but it's hard to overcome.
  • spartacus69
    spartacus69 Posts: 235
    Sorry for a dumb question, but is there a standard height for the boxes? I know they come in varying sizes, but for example with many of the WODs that use weights, it may say to use 135lbs for men and 95 for women, or something like that. If the WOD just says box jumps, is the expectation that you are targeting a specific height?
  • jenaissance
    jenaissance Posts: 302 Member
    Sorry for a dumb question, but is there a standard height for the boxes? I know they come in varying sizes, but for example with many of the WODs that use weights, it may say to use 135lbs for men and 95 for women, or something like that. If the WOD just says box jumps, is the expectation that you are targeting a specific height?

    you work your way up. I can't jump, but I do step-ups. They started me with one plate on the floor (I had severe balance issues along with a back injury) and now I'm up to 24" . Even just doing step ups, that box is intimidating!
  • acedanger49
    Sorry for a dumb question, but is there a standard height for the boxes? I know they come in varying sizes, but for example with many of the WODs that use weights, it may say to use 135lbs for men and 95 for women, or something like that. If the WOD just says box jumps, is the expectation that you are targeting a specific height?

    In most WODs, you'll see 24/20 for the box heights, 24" for men, 20" for women. That's typical. Some of my box's WODs have been incorporating taller boxes, 30/24.
  • tabbychiro
    tabbychiro Posts: 223 Member
    Sorry for a dumb question, but is there a standard height for the boxes? I know they come in varying sizes, but for example with many of the WODs that use weights, it may say to use 135lbs for men and 95 for women, or something like that. If the WOD just says box jumps, is the expectation that you are targeting a specific height?

    In most WODs, you'll see 24/20 for the box heights, 24" for men, 20" for women. That's typical. Some of my box's WODs have been incorporating taller boxes, 30/24.

    When I started CrossFit at my box (about 8 months ago), the heights typically were 24/20. Now they are 30/24. But, of course, we can do whatever we feel comfortable with.

    Right now I have two bruised, cut up shins from a box jump fail on Monday. We were doing 1 rep max height box jumps. We were doing them on these big blue cushiony blocks and I got up to 24" with no problem. I think at least one guy got up to 51". But after the WOD, I stupidly thought I should try the jump again but on the 24" wooden box. Failed and bled. I just hope this doesn't mentally ruin me for box jumps. I was already a bit fearful of them anyway.
  • spartacus69
    spartacus69 Posts: 235
    Thanks for the replies! That is helpful. (Sorry to hear about your accident, tabby.)