Day 14 - Morning affects evening

Fattack Posts: 666 Member
i'M OFF TO SWEDEN TOMORROW. It's a 2 day road trip so I may not be able to update again til Monday - so the Weigh In thread for tomorrow is up already!!! DON'T FORGET TO WEIGH IN TOMORROW (SUNDAY),

Struggles with hunger / fatigue / cravings later in the day are often a result of how you ate in the morning. When you routinely skip breakfast, your digestive tract stays dormant until you finally eat, and then if you "surprise" your body by eating breakfast one morning, it secretes more digestive acid than required which causes hunger pangs to linger.

In short, if you eat breakfast daily, you can retrain your stomach to manage food better in the mornings, and the all-day hunger should disappear after about a week of this schedule.

Try to snack sometime between 3 and 4pm to avoid the "home from work" munchies, and to try to combine protein and carbs when doing so to slow down the digestive process and prolong the energy boost from the snack.


***Set a goal of eating breakfast every day for the next week and record what you ate. You can split your breakfast into two mini-meals and eat the second one mid-morning.
***Plan a couple of options for late-afternoon snacks. List them in your notebook so you'll remember your ideas.


  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Snack ideas:

    almonds with some dried cranberries
    cashews and an apple; protein shake & a banana
    babybel and grapes
    cottage cheese and pineapple
    low-fat greek yoghurt and strawberries.
  • Oh_Cat
    Oh_Cat Posts: 59 Member
    I'm all over breakfast today :D About to make a yummy protein pancake with low fat choccy philadelphia and fresh raspberries. Oh yes. Diary's open if you want the "recipe." Can't waiiiit.

    Snacks I go for tend to be high protein to keep me satisfied:

    + Post-work out protein shake made with soy or almond milk, and an unflavored soy isolate powder.
    + Low fat Greek yoghurt
    + Low fat Greek yoghurt and chocolate philadelphia
    + Chocolate soy milk (this isn't that great a choice but I loooove it for a treat.)
    + A glass of milk
  • kimannabella
    kimannabella Posts: 31 Member
    I am having 3 meals in an 8 hour window, so not hungry for snacks, generally breakfast is porridge with flaked almonds though.

    When I was snacking, it was peanut butter, or some fruit or a natural yogurt.
  • Bola17
    Bola17 Posts: 120 Member
    I always have breakfast AND snacks - midmorning - afternoon and for the most at evening.

    Some of my great snacks are:

    Celerystalks with the laughing cow cheese or peanut butter (have made a heathier version with greek yogurt)
    Fruit or fruit pieces with cottage cheese
    Greek yoghurt - with or without fruit
    Glutenfree crackers or crispbread with a slice of lunch meat (ham or chicken)
    Cucumber pieces drizzeled with vinegar and salt
    Homemade fruit sorbet for evening snacking
    and of course nuts and dried fruit (but I find these calorie dense so they taste better than they actually fill me)!

    PS. Fa if you´re on a road trip to Sweden from Holland You´ll most likely be passing thru Denmark - I´ll be waving :flowerforyou:
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    I ALWAYS eat breakfast!! I could if I HAD to skip soke meals but breakfast is a must for me!
    Snack ideas -
    Fruit and nuts
    Greek yogurt
    Celery with almond butter
    Deli meat with little grape tomatoes
    Protein bar - usually if I do this I cut in half and eat half fr afternoon snack and half fo p.m. snack.