What is your motivation and inspiration?

heniko Posts: 796 Member
Salaamu aleikoum,

What is your motivation and inspiration? T he other day I heard a quote from the psychologist and islamic scholar yasir fazaga.
it was so vivid that it has stuck in my mind and i keep repeating it each day to remind myself.
here it is:

"Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they become your habit."

i can relate to this quote in many ways, but for weight loss, i think it will help me, if i stop thinking about indulging in sweets any chance i get. i have fallen off the wagon of good eating for the last few weeks, and can't seem to climb back on. remembering this quote reminds me to stop thinking about cheating myself and get back on track.

"He who has done an atom's weight of good will receive his rewards, and he who has done an atom's weight of evil will receive his punishments." The Holy Quran, 99:7,8


  • kimmbird
    kimmbird Posts: 55

    The is the same as my mantra of inspiration...

    One meeting at ww, we all found a little mantra/wisdom laying on our chairs. When I read mine to myself, bells and whistles went off in my head as I had such a wonderful apifany of understanding...

    It simply said...

    The Power of One..
    One thought
    One action
    One change/outcome/possibility (I chg this to suit my needs ;)

    I literally posted everywhere..on the mirror, on the fridge, in the pantry and most importantly..the car, to remind me what one thought of fries would lead to :D and it sure wasn't toward a healthy lifestyle.

    Mashallah!!! I think it is so awesome you were inspired by the same wisdom...Kim
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Machallah good words to remember. I think I will take your lead and post it everywhere in my house too! Thanks for sharing that! =)
  • kashudesu
    kashudesu Posts: 7
    My inspiration...hmm...
    My friend said this to me some time before I converted and it is something that has really stuck with me.

    "I have good will in my heart, the ground below me and Allah above me.
    The road ahead is straight - and I have to just focus... just focus..."
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Salaamu aleikoum,
    WOW MACHALLAH I really love that one!!! I'm going to put that on my fridge!