
sailingsal Posts: 285 Member
Hi i'm sarah, i'm a uni student and single mum so budgets always tight. I live in scotland, my main exercise at the moment is walking and wii, as gym so expensive. I make my own soup in bulk and freeze it as well as pasta sauces which are also frozen. Saves time cooking in bulk and cheaper than buying jars.


  • Hiya. I'm Jess. Also a University student with a family. Work part-time at McDonalds too. Have actually zilch money!

    I also make my own soup and freeze it when I have a few hours to spare!

    Any suggestions as to money saving tips would be greatly appreciated!!
  • sailingsal
    sailingsal Posts: 285 Member
    Hiya. I'm Jess. Also a University student with a family. Work part-time at McDonalds too. Have actually zilch money!

    I also make my own soup and freeze it when I have a few hours to spare!

    Any suggestions as to money saving tips would be greatly appreciated!!

    you don't need hours. i chop veg and chuck in a pan and then study till its ready to whizz. Make pasta sauces and freeze in individual portions. Also cook bolognase, chilli etc in bulk and freeze in portions. its cheaper to cook famiiy size portions and freeze as most things come family sized. I also use frozen veg as its cheaper than fresh and you don't have to worry about it going off and frozen chopped onions as it saves them going off and can be cooked from frozen, so saves time. Also if you can go shopping late evening when the supermarket reduces costs of things and cook and freeze.
  • Ooh I couldn't live without my freezer and my microwave! I cook in advance as much as possible, chilli, spag bol, stews and casseroles.
    I think I'll give soups a go again, I never used to have much luck. Got any good recipes? :)
    Ps I'm Stacey :) hi!
  • a13x4
    a13x4 Posts: 1
    What sort of soups do you make? :[ i sadly have a rather small freezer
    I'm a student in Scotland as well :)
  • Hi,

    I am also a university student. So food budget is quite tight however I've just restarted my weight loss attempt and want to get fit by summer 2012.
  • sauci
    sauci Posts: 94 Member
    Hi there

    I'm from Wales! 31, Live and die by my freezer also!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • sailingsal
    sailingsal Posts: 285 Member
    What sort of soups do you make? :[ i sadly have a rather small freezer
    I'm a student in Scotland as well :)

    my favourite soups are
    made with 2 tins of tomatoes, a courgette, onion, and veg stock

    carrot and parsnip
    4 carrots, 2 parsnips, onion, veg stock
  • Anna_43
    Anna_43 Posts: 117
    Oh dear.. so I will be a granny here :)

    43, not a student, London and find it hard to shop for one on the cheap so will be lurking here for some inspiration....

    Hello all
  • ttam77
    ttam77 Posts: 9
    Hi, I'm an Open University student in England. Currently at the start of a very long weight lose programme. Meats and poultry are fast going up in price, so Quorn is a really good substitute and can be cooked straight from frozen, which as a bonus, and is very low in calories too.
  • im new plase add lets lose weight together
  • Hi, I must be the oldest person on here. I'm a 71 year old surviving on the minimum state pension, so I have to use every trick I can to make food spin out. One of my favourites is to bung all the veg I can get cheap along with the remnants of the sunday chicken, into a pressure cooker. I add chilli powder, garlic, mixed spice and let is cook until all the meat has fallen of the chicken carcass. Then I remove the carcass and use a stick-blender to turn it into a thick soup. When it has cooled, I can get about 6 containers full from this, which I freeze in a chest freezer.
  • 140Aimee
    140Aimee Posts: 77 Member
    Hi im Aimee, 19, moved out from home and on a very low income. Nice to meet you all. :)
  • chunkylotte
    chunkylotte Posts: 2 Member

    Also a student; 23 years old. Just joined this site with somewhere around 20lb to lose. All of which I gained since commencing my studies... eek.

    Anyone is more than welcome to add me as a friend. Being accountable to others as well as myself may be helpful...! :)

  • catfyson
    catfyson Posts: 26 Member

    I'm a journalism graduate (graduated from Uni Portsmouth last July) and I currently work part time at my local theatre as a digital marketing officer. I need some MFP-friendly cheap recipes! I am awful at calorie counting without MFP and am also quite bad with my money!
  • vanderandkarl
    vanderandkarl Posts: 87 Member
    hi i am married and have 3 children who dont stop eating bless them and ideas more the welcome ;)
  • meabhcait
    meabhcait Posts: 1
    Hi, I am a new graduate, looking for a job and trying to become healthier. I have no extra money for gym or fancy diet food. I have to cook for my family - so try and find healthy recipes that suit everyone's tastes. I usually end up just trying to take smaller portions of the meals everyone else eats.
    I am also trying the couch to 5K in the hopes of getting fit and healthy and losing weight
  • Crystaleyed
    Crystaleyed Posts: 229 Member
    Hullo :3,
    I'm Catherine and at the moment I'm living at home with my parents, which makes things a little easy.
    But like everyone else on here, there's not a lot of money in our household, or so my parents say before they go and buy another book they'll never read or another bag that sits in the bottom of the wardrobe for ten years, but let's not go into that. Unemployment's a huge problem around these parts so the option of me getting job has gone, because there simply aren't any there and mum and dad don't have the same mindset as me on healthy eating.
    My mum likes to take short cuts (e.g. you can eat as much junk as you want as long as it's not a snack -.^ yeah she's a little confusing sometimes) and my dad just doesn't see the point.
    Anyway, sorry for the rambling, hope that tells you all you need to know :) feel free to add, I'm here for support should anyone need it :D
  • Hello everyone! I'm Genny! I live in California. I am not tan or skinny ;)
    I am a college student, I have very low $ to spend on food. I get annoyed at hard recipes Very quickly.
    My main go to meals are: steamed broccoli (i put it in the mirco in a wet paper towel :wink: heheh with brown rice & onion salt.
    I swear that is all that I eat, I need something new and easy and healthy and full of veggies, i love veggies.
    I also LOVE sweets. Today I ate about 15 mini Snicker's. Tis' the season, right?? ha.
    One month ago I started going to the gym every other day and doing weight loss treadmill, i alternate the incline and speed constantly for 50 min and an intense burn. I have yet to incorporate many machines or real strength training although on my days off the treadmill I try to do squats and such while I brush me teeth :tongue:
    I am 19
    I weigh 122
    I weighed 135 one year ago when I started BC
    All of my fat is in my arms and underbutt, I have a small stomach and small calves. Its strange and annoying- - anyone else have saddle bag probz?! :(
    My goal weight to maintain and be stable at, is 115. I hope to make it there by bikini season.
    I need inspiration people!
    Help me, & I will try to inspire and encourage you as well.
    Add me, I joined today :happy:
  • promweight13
    promweight13 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello All! My name is Porsha. Im 18, a full-time college student in NYC aka the most expensive place to eat lol. I started my healthy lifestyle about a month ago at 164, currently at 155 so I'm feeling good. Fill free to add me as a friend.
  • Hi I'm frankie just about to go back to college in September but food budgeting is necessary anyway! I always spend so much more on healthy food than unhealthy. So any help in getting my new healthy shopping budget down would be appreciated!