6ft ladies and your current/goal weight?

Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
Apparently to be a BMI of 22-23 which is healthy, I have to be 170 pounds/80. But tis seems so drastic D:

Whats your goal and progress so far? (pics would be nice for inspiration ^_^)


  • mrskatie80
    mrskatie80 Posts: 133 Member
    I am 5'10.
    Used to be 203lbs and a size 14(US) now 140lbs and a size 4.
    Got down to 125lbs at my lowest, but I am happiest between 132-135lb range.

    From 210lbs (dont count that as I was immediate post-pardum ;)


    Photo from 195lbs (3 years after above photo, just after I started my weight loss journey)


    Photo at 132lbs (18 months after I started my weightloss)


    Photo at 141lbs (which is what I'm at now)


    And one more :)


    My BMI is currently 20.3.
    I am nearly to my goal (again!) and will be around 19 - 19.5 when I'm done.

    Good luck - I'm loving the support on this forum and really glad there is a group for us taller girls! :)
  • saracatherine89
    saracatherine89 Posts: 291 Member
    I'm 6'0 tall and my goal weight is somewhere in the range of 165-175lbs. I am a large framed individual with a decent amount of muscle, and I am currently about 197. I've lost about 40lbs so far.

    You will see a lot of different goal weights for girls our height, because frame size has a lot to do with it. Someone posted a link in this forum somewhere, but the average weight for a large framed woman of 6 feet is somewhere from 159-176lbs. If you have a smaller frame I think its somewhere from 135-151. If I weighed any less than 155 I am pretty sure I'd look like Skeletor! Also, my mom is my height and about 10 lbs less than me and I wear 2 sizes smaller in clothes than she does because she is a small/medium frame and weighed 145 most of her adult life!
  • Hey! I am 6'1" and my goal is a body fat percent of 18%. I am currently 196lbs with a body fat of 24% measured by my trainer. I have a small frame apparently, and my goal is somewhere in the 155-165 range.
  • onyxcougar
    onyxcougar Posts: 22
    I'm 6ft, CW: 303, GW: 170 (A whole person!)

    I look REALLY good at 155 (size 12) but that was twenty years ago. I want to get to 170 then see what I feel like.
  • mrskatie80
    mrskatie80 Posts: 133 Member
    Definitely depends on frame!
    My friend is also 5'10 and she's looking amazing at 160lbs.
    Which was my first goal weight :)
  • cbbarge
    cbbarge Posts: 250 Member
    I'm 6' and my immediate goal is to lose 15 more pounds to get under 200. Ultimately I'd like to get back down to 165 (a weight I haven't seen since college) but I could probably be very happy maintaining at 185. I have a small/medium frame but have never been below 157 in my entire adult life.
  • Kimminer77
    Kimminer77 Posts: 39 Member
    I am 5'11. I was 218 in the "before" picture. My goal weight is 160 or 155

  • urasweethart
    urasweethart Posts: 123 Member
    Im not 6ft. but I know Frame is a big thing. Im 5'10+ I weigh 295 size 22 with a large Frame (7.5inch wrist)
    I know for myself Im a size 12-14 at 230 and there is alot of ladies that dont get to that size till they are under 200.
    (I have a super hour glass figure my chest and hips are 58inches and my waist is 41inches).
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    Thanks guys :) I measured my frame, apparently it's big. And I'm almost 6ft 3.
    I've never been a healthy weight so I guess I'm just not sure how it feels >.<
  • 6'1" Medium Frame
    CW: 227
    GW: 170
    Highest Weight: 270

    I hear you when you say that you don't know what a healthy weight would feel like. The only time I've ever been at my goal weight was after 3 months spent hiking through Europe living on sparse amounts of food. I can't imagine going lower than that without a punishing food regimen.

    I also don't think it's reasonable for me to go any lower than 170 because I plan to put on some muscle. When I've had more muscle in the past, my weight stayed very high, but my clothes size continued to go down. No one believed how much I weighed at the time (200) because I was so small.
  • HeadBangingBabe
    HeadBangingBabe Posts: 15 Member
    6', medium frame, hourglass/banana figure (don't know yet, have to get fit first :p)
    CW: 174
    GW: 147
    Highest Weight: 286 (pregnancy...yikes!)

    I have no idea what weight I should be. I tried browsing through mybodygallery.com to see what other tall women look like at different weights. I've never been in this weight range before in my adult life! It's hard to estimate where you would/should want to be. I have my goal at 147, but I may stop at 155 or 160, depending on how I feel and look at that time.
  • sportytalldoll
    sportytalldoll Posts: 208 Member
    6ft tall (and still a high heel lover!!!)
    goal weight 195-199 (i look doggone good even at that high of a weight) bc my body is built so broad. My heights in my core and legs, God blessed me with an hour glass and for that I thank Him lol.
    Last weigh in I was a 199.3lbs of lean body mass/muscle and my total weight was 250ish. I have plenty to lose, however, Im at the point where making healthy eating choices, staying up on my protein count everyday, and having my kicka$$ workouts daily is what I am focused on, the rest will naturally do its own thing.
  • Sapphiredroplet
    Sapphiredroplet Posts: 24 Member
    I am 5' 11"
    GW:199 (I want to get under the 2's lol)
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    I'm 5'11 1/2. I currently weigh 174. Within the past year, I've been as low as 170 and felt great! But, I can see my body, and I know I have more fat to lose. I have lots of muscle and am very athletic, but still see rolls that need to GO! :laugh: My goal is to get to 165 - I've never been that small in my entire life, so I'll reevaluate when I get there! :flowerforyou:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    I have no idea what weight I should be. I tried browsing through mybodygallery.com to see what other tall women look like at different weights. I've never been in this weight range before in my adult life! It's hard to estimate where you would/should want to be. I have my goal at 147, but I may stop at 155 or 160, depending on how I feel and look at that time.

    THANK YOU for mentioning mybodygallery.com. I've never heard of it before, but it is awesome!
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    I'm 6'0" with a CW of 175, BF % at 20.8%

    Good luck!
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    I am 6ft tall, my CW is 272, but my GW is180 to 185!
  • Duckz1
    Duckz1 Posts: 145 Member
    I'm 6' tall.

    HW: 160
    LW: 147
    CW: 152
    GW: 145

    I have a smallish frame and when I gain it goes to my stomach/thighs. I'm pretty happy at 150 because my clothes fit and I feel good, but I look even better in the 140s so that's the goal :)
  • I'm 6', and 152. Goal weight is 140-145, haven't quite decided. I'd rather firm up.
  • niknakmac123
    niknakmac123 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 6 ft and my gw is about 170 but that may change as I get closer to it.