1st week of 2nd round...

chandra38 Posts: 112 Member
How did you do?

I did okay. Nothing great and nothing really bad. I hope to see one pound this week, which I think I will. I got lazy with all the rain we've had in Houston lately and didn't make it to the gym Wed or today. But, I will be there bright and early tomorrow and again on Sun. :happy:


  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    so far so good, keep u posted sunday or monday
  • Permbaby
    Permbaby Posts: 71 Member
    I've been working out on a daily basis and under my calorie goal. I'm hoping to see some weight loss this Sunday.
  • jsande10
    jsande10 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi I'm new to this challenge, and just came across this fantastic challenge I sed MFP earlier in the year and it was great and I managed to get a bit of weight off, but never came across a challenge like this so I'm hoping it will motivate me to keep on going. This week has been my first week back on the health kick wagon, and it went really well. I managed to lose 2.2lbs or 1kg, whihch I am really impresssed with, especially since I'm still trying to kick the bad eating habbits. Hoping next week I'll do even better.
  • Amber50lbsDown
    Amber50lbsDown Posts: 255 Member
    Since tuesday Ive been doing amazing, but I dont think I will drop, I have a feeling that my vacay caught up with me lol
  • TinnedTuna
    TinnedTuna Posts: 208 Member
    Doing better this round, i had a holiday/vacation in the middle of the last round and that messed things up for me (my fault entirely)
    but i will do better this time :-)
  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member
    I rejoined the challenge. Last month was very bad for me. For a variety of reasons..resulting in my stress eating. I think I am about the same, but had been deleted, because I kept thinking "I'll be better than enter my weight" Well that didn't work. This round I will log my weight every Sunday, even if I don't like the number. I added my name at the bottom. I didn't know how to add it in alphabetically, sorry.

    Good luck to everyone. and stay focused
  • Permbaby
    Permbaby Posts: 71 Member
    After the first week I have lost 2.6 lbs. I'm excited to see how the second week goes.
  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member
    I lost 2.2lbs! Yay, finally a decent loss after weeks of 1lb or less! Good luck to all, we can do this!
  • cruisinskier
    cruisinskier Posts: 63 Member
    Congrats to those above with losses in the first week. I got off to a good start as well with five trips to the gym this week burning almost 3,000 calories in total. This resulted in a 3.4 lb loss this week. Back on May 13 when I started this journey I had set a goal of reaching 195 lbs prior to our August cruise vacation......I am now at 194.6 so I have reached my personal goal with a month to go!!

    Best of luck to everyone this week and for the balance of this challenge. You can do it!!!!
  • lessofme65
    lessofme65 Posts: 107 Member
    Congratulations Jerry, great to see you make your goal, you must feel awesome.

    I lost 1.8 with my new scale that had like a 2lb difference than the old. Figured the new challenge was the best time to switch them out. I'm so excited, hoping to reaceh ONEDERLAND next Sunday.

    I really think that 3600 calorie burn helped alot and was thinking of doing it again. Anyone care to re-up?
  • mpankratz79
    mpankratz79 Posts: 21 Member
    Great job everyone. Just got home from a 2 week vacation. I did manage to run 3 times a week and do p90x core twice a week. So I was glad for only a 1 pound weight gain. Darn that icecream. Started insanity today and I think I may die. I have some personal goals I would like to reach so I am really hoping to lose 10 pounds in time for a wedding. Keep up the great work.
  • ashsmile78
    ashsmile78 Posts: 3,528 Member
    I loss 2.5 lbs between monday and friday but went camping and didn't eat the greatest. I am going to jump on my elliptical and burn the rest of my 3600 calories. :-)

    Looking forward to another week!
  • cruisinskier
    cruisinskier Posts: 63 Member
    Congratulations Jerry, great to see you make your goal, you must feel awesome.

    I lost 1.8 with my new scale that had like a 2lb difference than the old. Figured the new challenge was the best time to switch them out. I'm so excited, hoping to reaceh ONEDERLAND next Sunday.

    I really think that 3600 calorie burn helped alot and was thinking of doing it again. Anyone care to re-up?

    Thanks Less, yeah it does feel pretty good!! But even better is that I feel it is sustainable, I do not feel like I am missing anything, and my wife and kids (19 & 21) have also lost weight so we are all in this together...that it truly the part that feels best!

    Best of lucj to you and everyone else in the coming week.....and I am game to try for 3600 calories this week. I almost hit 3,000 last week in 5 days of workouts so I know what I need to do :)
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    I lost 1 lb. but it was a good recovery after a rocky start. Last Monday I was feeling that things were going very slowly and I used that as an excuse to eat junk two nights in a row. I had a great support talk with my long distance support buddy and was able to get back on track. I also recognized that I had gotten too lazy with skipping the food diary.
    Now my reward for reaching 45 pounds lost-a reduction in calories according to my fitness pal! I am not sure that 1310 is enough. But when I add in my exercise allowance I won't starve!
  • 2tang
    2tang Posts: 44
    Hi Everyone,

    I didn't do much this week - I am recovering from a sinus infection that pretty much put me out of commission mid-week and all weekend. hoping to get back on the wagon this week. no losses but didnt expect much because i couldn't exercise.
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    okayyyy i didnt realize we started round 2! so im jumping back in to this... LETS GO
  • Copperycat
    Copperycat Posts: 215 Member
    I have been doing good - with around a 1lb loss for each week of round 1. But went on a short break this week and was 80% good and did lots of walking but I'm not hopeful of a loss :/