Take that Doctor!

Rachel505 Posts: 30 Member
I have PCOS and when I was younger my hormones were CRAZY out of control. My DHEA levels were about 3 times the amount they were supposed to be. My doctor thought I possibly had a tumor in my adrenal gland but luckily I did not. I also had issues with my prolactin levels and through out years of taking birth control and spiro and some steriods for a time period I finally had everything going good for about 8 years. Now I am trying to get pregnant and in December I got off my birth control and spiro for the first time in YEARS! I went to my gyno and she was so negative when I told her I got off my pills and was trying to get pregnant. She told that I would most likely not be able to get pregnant with out taking chlomid or metaformin. I told her I want to try and get off all the pills and stay off and get prenant on my own. I understand it takes normal healthy couples a year sometimes to conceive so I thought it was crazy how she was reacting. She told me I probably wouldn't have a period on my own or ovulate. She gave me some progesterone pills when I left with out even waiting to find out my test results. I also told her I was doing a vegan diet and she figured I was not getting enough nutrients on this and that I was eating too much sugar with out even asking what all I was eating. Well I did not take the progesterone and two days later I started my period and have had a perfect cycle the last couple of months. Once I got the lab work results back everything was great with my hormones the first time I can remember while not on BC or sprio. I am not going back to her! :) I still have not got pregnant but the over the counter tests show positive around ovulation time so I am hoping soon!


  • Moviedust
    Moviedust Posts: 110
    Good luck!
  • Rachel505
    Rachel505 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you! :)
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    GL girl! I hate it when doctors are so negative!!!
  • Rachel505
    Rachel505 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you Nnhouston!
  • sarahlyn_m
    sarahlyn_m Posts: 2 Member
    I did acupuncture and it worked wonders for me in kick-starting my weight loss. For me -- it was like a global reset on my body. I don't take metformin anymore (I hate it). I tried acupuncture last year after my gyno told me that the only way I'd lose weight was if I had surgery.

    Well, I'm down 32lbs so
    You do what works for you and your body. Listen to how you feel and be empowered! And, if you do decide to try other things, I totally recommend acupuncture. Find someone that specializes in endocrine (fertilization) acupuncture and I think you'll be thrilled with the results. It doesn't hurt and it's a nice, relaxing time!
  • RomaOC
    RomaOC Posts: 1
    I was on BCP for many years and went off them in my mid-40s and now my cycle is regular like clockwork, though not trying to have kids now. If you seem regular, see what happens and get a second opinion as well. Wish you good luck!
  • Rachel505
    Rachel505 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you both for your responses. I think diet, exercise and weight loss are so much more important to PCOS than all the drugs the doctors want to shove down your thoat. I am 5 ft 6 and in the 130's now and the doctors still keep trying to give me metformin.
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 396 Member
    Thank you! This really gives me hope. My OBGYN is so pushy about BC and metformin, and I don't want to be on either!