Started July 9 - looking for buddies

kiekie Posts: 289 Member
Hey everyone,

I re-started TF yesterday and I'm just looking for buddies to keep motivated. I've had the programme for almost a year and have been doing it inconsistency. I got to week 5 the first time, week 7 the second and have also had periods of doing whatever workouts I fancied.

This time I'm going to try to stick to doing the workouts in order but taking any extra days off I need to in between and ignoring the days of the week they're scheduled for - in other words, not being a perfectionist and thinking I've flunked the whole week if I don't manage to get all the workouts done on the right days! It will probably take me longer than 20 weeks but hey, that's life!

I have a 17-month-old, so working out can sometimes be hard to fit in, but I'm committed to actually finishing the programme this time.

Send me a friend invite if you're committed too!


  • mariannerenoir

    I started on the 9th too! How is it going for you?

    So far so good for me, I LOVE the workouts! I skipped the rest day because saturday is my ultimate rest day, so I didn't want to change that.
    However, I don't think that I'll finish the program - I'm at home at the moment but from September I'm in the apartment again and the neighbours don't really appreciate jumping at all - which doesn't mean that I'll stop exercising because that I'll never do :-))

    Keep it up!!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I'm halfway through week 2! I've done TF before as well but I think I only got to like week 11. I plan on doing all 20 this time:) I've got a 3 year old and 5 year old so I totally understand. Neither of them nap so it's hard to get up to 60 minutes w/o them wanting to be right up in my business:) Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • MartinBartnicki
    MartinBartnicki Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I started on the 9th as well :) Did one week HipHop ABS week before but wasn't hard enough. TF is just what I need. I doing my workouts in the morning and feel to much energy by evening time so I gone start Zumba as well, just to burn more :) Feel free to add me.
    All the best guys.
  • Jess830409
    Jess830409 Posts: 285 Member
    I am suppose to get my DVD's in the mail today so I am in the beginning too!! I'll send ya a friend request. :)
  • Jess830409
    Jess830409 Posts: 285 Member
    Oh and I can relate to the challenge when you have kids. I have an 8 year old and a 2 year old. But definitely determined to make this happen
  • scmcgee
    scmcgee Posts: 165
    Hey guys, I am waiting for mine to arrive. I have completed Turbo Jam and love Chalene so I went the next step and got Turbo Fire. Can't wait to get started! I should get mine by next Tuesday or Wednesday and i will be starting.... :happy:

    Feel free to add me as a friend and we can help each other out.
  • angiezturn
    angiezturn Posts: 49
    I just ordered mine yesterday so not sure how long it will take to get to me. But darn excited to get it!! So I wont be too far behind you.
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    *waves* Hello everyone!

    Thanks for your replies - I've hopefully friended you all so we can keep up with it together.

    It's going great so far. Last time I did it, I was getting up at 5am to do it before my daughter woke and it was always difficult as she never woke at the same time (sometimes 5.30am, sometimes 7am) and she only napped for 30 mins in the morning and afternoon. Plus I only had time to eat half a banana before working out. Now she naps at a more regular time, so I'm working out around 11am and it's so much easier keeping my energy up after a good breakfast!

    Chalene is such a great trainer and motivator!

    Good luck with it everyone!
  • lynn_marie68d
    I started the 9th and had been looking for people to keep up with progress wise....ADD ME
  • Ashley3915
    Ashley3915 Posts: 48 Member
    I started mine today (July 16th) would love to be buddies! :)