Good and bad day...

I've had a mixed bag of a day nad i'm not sure how i should feel about it.

I started work at midday today so decided to have a productive morning and go to a step aerobics class. I felt really good afterwards especially as according to myfitnesspal had burned off approx 600 calories. My legs were definitely feeling the burn and 6 hours later i'm still aching.

I ahve come in to work and sat through a long meeting which included lunch. Unfortunatley my lack of will power took over and i gave in to the nice sandwiches and cakes. I have managed to eat all the calories i burnt!

I have not gone over my limit but i cannot help feeling disappointed in myself. I know it could have been a lot worse if i hadn't gone to the class this morning and i would have been way over my calories for the day. I was feeling really good about myself when i came in to work and now i feel like a bloater again :-(


  • Scarsnbumble
    Scarsnbumble Posts: 11 Member
    Don't worry too much about it. I think we all have days like that. When I do, it just makes me even more determined to get the weight off and to keep my eye on the prize. I also think it is good to have the occasional bad day (if that makes sense!). Persevere and you'll get to your target.
  • katiepatati
    katiepatati Posts: 48 Member
    I agree with the above poster. It is a shame you ate back all your burnt calories but I know how hard it is to sit back and not touch a delcious buffet full of sandwiches and cakes....c'mon, it is impossible!! Plus most meetings are boring so you needed to look forward to something!
    It is good that you are annoyed about it though, makes you more determined the next day :-D
  • natpalit
    natpalit Posts: 113 Member
    I agree with the above, also by denying yourself treats for too long, I think, results in much bigger binges. It's much better to have small "binges" which are equivalent to how much you burn in exercise, than huge ones. Besides, I really wouldn't consider having sandwiches and cakes as a bad thing, as long as it's only every once in a while..... a girls gotta eat!! ;)