What's your dating market value?



  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Apparently all of the men missed the fairly apparent sarcastic undertones in each of these articles.
    Please, go on with this point. I am interested to know why you say what you do. While by no means should this be taken at face value, any guy who has spent more than a few weeks on the singles scene would be able to identify with much the basic underlying themes that helped the creator of the questionnaire to form the questions. There's validity to the test, but one's self worth should not be based on it.

    Actually I was asked by a girl if I had been involved in a real fight, and I replied yes in pre-school and proceeded to describe the story in details, she laughed throughout most of the story. I'm still wondering whether I lost points on this one...
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    As insulting and irritating as the test was, I couldn’t stop reading the questions, lol. My score: 11 Classic Beta. 3 months ago (birthday) I would have been a Greater Beta. Even though you can’t take this kind of stuff seriously, from the outside looking in, it seems like the scoring categories really do match what’s going on in a guy’s head.

    Just looked at the men’s quiz and it really stinks that for guys jerkiness is scored higher. What do you all think about this excerpt from the women’s quiz?
    I hope everyone noticed what was missing from this test:
    Your job.
    The amount of money you make.
    Your accomplishments.
    Your social status and number of friends.
    Your deep and profound worldview.
  • Daisy_Cutter
    Daisy_Cutter Posts: 774
    I stopped taking it... my age and IQ scored me really low and I was pretty sure I wasn't going to make those numbers back up! Eh... junk science at its best! LOL
  • Daisy_Cutter
    Daisy_Cutter Posts: 774
    I stopped reading about half way through, because clearly it was written by some *kitten* who's probably never even been on a date. But I was at about +6

  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I interpreted it as having been written as a joke even if there is some validity to it. It's ironic and sarcastic... I don't think it was meant to be taken seriously at all. Of course one's self worth shouldn't be based on it. They're funny articles, and the comments are even funnier because people take themselves way too seriously. The things that people are most angry about in the comments are the things that they would receive 0 to negative points for. ex: Older women getting upset about the lower age ranges scoring higher or overweight women getting upset about the BMI question... I also think that is exactly what the author was going for. To cause a stir.
    The article is preying on bitter and self conscious people.

    That's just what I took away from it.
  • almostatgoalweight
    almostatgoalweight Posts: 234 Member
    It wouldn't bother me what job or income a woman I dated had. The other three on that list though, yes it would concern me to some degree.
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    I interpreted it as having been written as a joke even if there is some validity to it. It's ironic and sarcastic... I don't think it was meant to be taken seriously at all. Of course one's self worth shouldn't be based on it. They're funny articles, and the comments are even funnier because people take themselves way too seriously. The things that people are most angry about in the comments are the things that they would receive 0 to negative points for. ex: Older women getting upset about the lower age ranges scoring higher or overweight women getting upset about the BMI question... I also think that is exactly what the author was going for. To cause a stir.
    The article is preying on bitter and self conscious people.

    That's just what I took away from it.
    Agreed! Let's be real. When you are younger and in shape, you are generally more desireable by the opposite sex. That's fact.
    You have to be self confident and not let this article get to you. If you want to date, go do it. Someone out there is going to love you for being you AS you are!
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056
    Good lord .. lol .. this was silly. I got a -4 and apparently need to tramp it up to get a hot guy .. hahahahahahahah
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I interpreted it as having been written as a joke even if there is some validity to it. It's ironic and sarcastic... I don't think it was meant to be taken seriously at all. Of course one's self worth shouldn't be based on it. They're funny articles, and the comments are even funnier because people take themselves way too seriously. The things that people are most angry about in the comments are the things that they would receive 0 to negative points for. ex: Older women getting upset about the lower age ranges scoring higher or overweight women getting upset about the BMI question... I also think that is exactly what the author was going for. To cause a stir.
    The article is preying on bitter and self conscious people.

    That's just what I took away from it.

    That is really the right way to look at it.
    Just looked at the men’s quiz and it really stinks that for guys jerkiness is scored higher. What do you all think about this excerpt from the women’s quiz?
    I hope everyone noticed what was missing from this test:
    Your job.
    The amount of money you make.
    Your accomplishments.
    Your social status and number of friends.
    Your deep and profound worldview.

    Here’s what I think about the excerpt about how the creator left things off from the women’s quiz. What I am about to say is not just my opinion, but a combination of perspectives that I have based on my own perceptions, perceptions of numerous other men and some social science.

    1) A Woman’s Job

    To most men, it matters in a certain context. Men like a woman with an income so that he’s not the sole breadwinner in a long term relationship. But men don’t tend to go for hotshot career women. Big time career women work a lot of hours, which does take away from the amount of time that a woman can spend with a man. In an ideal world, men like spending time with women, so long as the time spent together is pleasant. A big time career takes away from quality time together.

    Most women’s jobs fall somewhere in the middle of a continuum. They are neither exceptional, nor at the bottom of the income earner scale.

    2) The amount of money a woman makes.

    Much of this overlaps with #1. Most guys don’t consider earnings a big deal.

    3) A Woman’s Accomplishments

    Accomplishing something is good. But I don’t think it is a huge selling point for most men.

    4) Your social status and number of friends.

    Friends matter to the extent that a guy doesn’t want to be constantly competing with a woman’s friends for her attention and quality time spent together. Also, guys don’t necessarily like it when a woman has a lot of straight male friends. There are a lot of pitfalls in male-female friendship. The best friends for a woman from the typical man’s perspective are other women.

    5) Your deep and profound worldview

    This is relevant in terms of staying power, but not something that will have relevance in the early going. Depth of character really helps in a long term relationship though. It isn’t worth discounting completely. Remember what shammxo said above that the creator was looking to stir the pot. This is the perfect example of this.

    For the initial spark and early months of the relationship, this is what guys tend to like. The factors that I am about to list are most relevant in types of relationships that go beyond just the physical.

    1) Common Interests: You’ve got to be able to have something to talk about and breadth and depth of activities that you can do together.
    2) Pleasant Disposition/Reliability/Trustworthiness: Relationships are meant to fill a need we have. The absence of a relationship causes a void and a pain. We’re looking for a solution. A woman who has a pleasant disposition, with whom we share common interests, who is reliable and trust worthy is someone who we are going to get along with and who is going to have enough staying power for us to keep wanting more of them, which allows us to have a greater appreciation for them.
    3) Physical Attractiveness: That needs to be there and that works in conjunction with Items 1 & 2. People who rely on just physical attractiveness to get by will not be alone if their attractiveness is high enough, but they might not have staying power.
    4) Regular Sex: Sex is a biological need for men and women. There really isn’t much more that needs to be said about that in this particular thread.
  • becfrogs
    becfrogs Posts: 39 Member
    It told ne to not even bother finishing the test!!!!! Lol

    Stupid test. Hmpfff **stomps off to pout**
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    However given that most of those questions were insulting and things given positive points for were boorish behavior I will proudly take it.

    There's no pride in being a nice guy. Positive points given for boorish behavior is accurate to real life, because that's what many women do in determining attraction in the early stages. One isn't going to get deeper in a relationship without passing early stage attraction. There's some validity to this test, but the credentials of the test writer should be considered suspect and the results should not be considered to be the ultimate authority of what your market value is.

    Anyway, my score was in the 10 to 14 range of: A few attractive girls in the bar will be intrigued by your presence. But you need game to close the deal. So I didn't test particularly well.

    Bull**** and I don`t care what anyone thinks...maybe somehow immature 20 somethings want a guy to be a jerk but if they are 35-40 whatever that wish the same then they can keep walking.
    As much as it would be nice to share life with someone that is not a person in the long run I would be happy with.

    And to be an old man lecturing if any ladies do find this stuff attractive...grow up,it will only get worse once the exciting funness moves into the personal with you area.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    35: 0 to 43: You are officially a nascent alpha female. A lot of quality guys will hit on you and you will be able to pick and choose at your leisure. But don’t push it. You’re not quite hot enough to string guys along forever.

    Ahahahaha harsh quiz!! I used to think not doing the 'A' word made you a classy lady. I spose not!!
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    There's no pride in being a nice guy. Positive points given for boorish behavior is accurate to real life, because that's what many women do in determining attraction in the early stages. One isn't going to get deeper in a relationship without passing early stage attraction.
    Bull**** and I don`t care what anyone thinks...maybe somehow immature 20 somethings want a guy to be a jerk but if they are 35-40 whatever that wish the same then they can keep walking.
    As much as it would be nice to share life with someone that is not a person in the long run I would be happy with.

    And to be an old man lecturing if any ladies do find this stuff attractive...grow up,it will only get worse once the exciting funness moves into the personal with you area.
    Guys, guys...
    Remember, there is "Nice Guy (TM)" and being a nice person (nice guy).

    "Nice Guy (TM)" is an archetype. It's the guy who is friendzoned all the time because he is a carpet with the woman he loves and stays around her for 10 years, and hope that every time she gets dumped she will fall in his arms and love him (but since she sees him as a friend, she just "uses" him as a shoulder to cry - and he'll think "I'd treat you better than them!" would you give me a chance).
    It might sound horrible, but I understand women, nobody wants to have to deal with so much pressure (be "everything" to someone). Especially when you think about your own flaws: I'm not what you think!

    Being a nice person is different. It means you're able to treat your woman well, with parsimony. She isn't your all, you exist on your own. You respect her, and she respects you (you're not a carpet). You know she isn't perfect, but you like her despite this. They can use your shoulder to cry and you don't have an agenda.

    And the opposite to being a "Nice Guy (TM)" is not being a jerk either.

    To expand further, you want to be a nice man to really be on top of your game with women. Make her feel special, but remember you're a man too, and she's a woman so it's OK to disagree and to have your own opinions.
    All women accept and understand that. You need to be able to raise your hand and say: "Stop!", which the "Nice Guy (TM)" would never do. That's all. No need to be a jerk, just be yourself, as in "a man".
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    35: 0 to 43: You are officially a nascent alpha female. A lot of quality guys will hit on you and you will be able to pick and choose at your leisure. But don’t push it. You’re not quite hot enough to string guys along forever.

    Ahahahaha harsh quiz!! I used to think not doing the 'A' word made you a classy lady. I spose not!!
    lol I think being a classy lady means just knowing how to conduct yourself in public. What you do behind closed doors is another matter ;)
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member

    Being a nice person is different. It means you're able to treat your woman well, with parsimony. She isn't your all, you exist on your own. You respect her, and she respects you (you're not a carpet). You know she isn't perfect, but you like her despite this. They can use your shoulder to cry and you don't have an agenda.

    And the opposite to being a "Nice Guy (TM)" is not being a jerk either.

    To expand further, you want to be a nice man to really be on top of your game with women. Make her feel special, but remember you're a man too, and she's a woman so it's OK to disagree and to have your own opinions.
    All women accept and understand that. You need to be able to raise your hand and say: "Stop!", which the "Nice Guy (TM)" would never do. That's all. No need to be a jerk, just be yourself, as in "a man".

    I 100% agree with this!!!!!
  • 10
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I got a big 2...So I am a -4 to 14: Classic beta. Your hot friends always gets hit on first, but if you really tramp it up you can snag a slightly better than average guy to take you home for a single night of commitment.

    So, I can basically get a one night stand but only if I tramp it up...Lmao....Nice but can't we all get a one night stand if we tramp it up?

    This thing is fun but no one should take it seriously by any means....Just fun & games!! :)
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056

    Ahahahaha harsh quiz!! I used to think not doing the 'A' word made you a classy lady. I spose not!!

    What is the "A" word??
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    The moment this test gave me bad points for being disappointed in small junk I knew it was bogus. Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I can't cuss, wear flip flops and have to adore small genitals and anal (which, apparently, is game?). :/

    This isn't even funny. It's just mean, and I feel a bit sad for the lonely angry virgin that wrote it :(
  • ArmandoG28
    ArmandoG28 Posts: 283 Member
    0 points for being 6'7 BS !!!!!!!!!!! go team USA basketball !!