


  • mgoetsch1982
    mgoetsch1982 Posts: 392 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Melissa and I have about 65 pounds to lose. I am a single mom of two girls, ages 6 and 3. I have found some amazing friends on here who are super supportive. I also have a very supportive family and supportive coworkers! In fact, my boss uses this site. I've done the weightloss roller coaster too many times and I am ready to take it all of the way down and stay there!

    Good luck everyone!

    p.s. feel free to add me! I love to give supportive comments on pages and posts :)
  • HelenaMH
    HelenaMH Posts: 40
    Hey Peeps! I am Helena and I am pumped about this challenge - nothing gets me going more than competition! So we just come here and post our lose on Friday or how does that work?
  • goalof146
    goalof146 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone, I am Sharon and I am ready for the challenge. I am 45 years old and the mother of an 18, and 17 year old teenagers. I have struggled with my weight for years and would love to lose 25lbs and keep it off for once. I am great at losing the weight, just not able to keep it off long term. My husband and I ordered the P90X program so we are going to start on that this week. I am hoping that will assist with losing the lbs. Good luck everyone.
  • MexisMom
    MexisMom Posts: 249
    Hey Peeps! I am Helena and I am pumped about this challenge - nothing gets me going more than competition! So we just come here and post our lose on Friday or how does that work?

    Yep! Another poster (LilCrissieBug) and I will be handling the behind the scenes work. We will post a thread every Friday for you to weigh in and then we'll update with weekly stats.

    Also, don't forget to check back in during the week to chat or get and give motivation!
  • Janiot
    Janiot Posts: 187 Member
    Hi everyone -my name is Jan - I lost 23lbs during the Spring scorcer biggest loser ( thanks mexismom!) - next goal is same again!
    I am 5 ft 5 1/2 inces and now approx 156 lbs - Friday weigh ins much better for me, as I tend to work weekend nights and can put on 2lbs of fluid in that time!!
    Welcome everyone -feel free to add me as a friend I am on MFP every day - Australia time!
  • lmdufault
    lmdufault Posts: 2
    Hi, I'm Leanne and I just started MFP about 2 weeks ago. Im 22, 5'0 and am 130 lbs. I've been struggling to get down to 115 for the past few years and am finally hoping to set my mind to it an make it happen. I've heard great things about MFP and am hoping this group will help keep me motivated! Good luck everyone.
  • indigolibby
    Hi! I'm looking forward to a group challenge b/c I often don't stick with my self imposed ones! My problem: I don't workout and eat right because my job is so time consuming. I'm looking forward to a group challenge, so I have more motivation through the week, and get out of the office no matter what! I'm turning 34 right when this challenge ends, so my prize will be feeling & looking great for my birthday!
  • jcheiskill
    Hi there! I'm looking forward to the challenge....want to be healthy. I am 50 yrs. old and have alot of work to do. We can all motivate eachother.
  • fitstar2
    fitstar2 Posts: 32 Member
    Very excited! Need to lose at least 30 lbs and this seems like a fun, motivational way to do it!
  • 4wheelinchick
    4wheelinchick Posts: 45 Member
    Howdy, everyone! My name is Crystal and I'm from Tennessee. :-) I am 30 years old, 5'7" and weigh (as of last Tuesday) 246lbs. I know I have a long journey ahead of me and I'm hoping this challenge is just what I'm needing to kick off my weight loss. My first goal is to be "overweight". Lol. It's a silly way to say it but it's the truth. If I can get to 191I will be in the overweight category and weigh less than I have in years. My goal for this 9 week challenge is 20 lbs. It should be easily attainable if I can just stay on track! :-)

    Good luck everyone! And I hope to see everyone slimmer and healthier at the end of this 9 weeks! We are strong and motivated and we will succeed! :-)
  • Pulitanoa
    Pulitanoa Posts: 4
    HI i'm Alaina from Tacoma WA.... Im 35 and just started here at MFP. I am 5'9" and wiegh 225lbs. I to am hoping the challenge will motivate me and keep me on track to wiegh in every friday. I have two daughters who i would love to be there healthey mom . SO im hoping to loose 75libs... then go from there. I would like to be in better leaner shape. and have more upper body strength. I am excited to start using MFP and to do this contest. Thank you And GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE
  • sarabeth000219
    Hi Im Sara, Im 21yrs old, 5'6" and weigh 230lbs. I have been off and on MFP but have never stuck to my program. My goal weight is 150lbs. My inspiration/motivation is my wedding that i need to plan... I have never joined a group before and im hoping that it will help me stay acountable and keep me on track :)
    Good luck everyone!
  • jaxiblue
    jaxiblue Posts: 1
    Good morning, I just started with MFP and am very motivated to loose the 25lbs I put on when I quit smoking. I believe this method of friendly competition is right up my alley. I've just started reading others post and am really impressed with the weight loss in general.

    Way to go everybody!!

  • mlssanne
    mlssanne Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm 43 and trying to lose 38 pounds. I think a competition will be great motivation to get me started!
  • jl20whyd
    jl20whyd Posts: 79 Member
    Hi! My name is Jessica and I am looking to lose about 81 more lbs. A long journey to go, but this challenge should help. Thanks for setting it up!
  • corky90
    corky90 Posts: 35 Member
    Count me in...!!! my name is courtney im 223 lbs and 22 years old i would like to be 150lbs ... im so glad you started this group me and a few friends are actually starting a biggest lose group this sunday and we weigh in every sunday for 16 weeks being apart of this group will be alot of fun and i will have much more support ... THANK YOU !!!
  • edithejaime
    edithejaime Posts: 23 Member
    It get's harder..but we need to push..push our limits !
  • LilCrissieBug
    Welcome everyone!!! My name is Crissie and I'm super excited to be co hosting this competition with Julie! I am from Washington, Pa and have a wonderful husband who would support me no matter what! Even if I wanted to join the circus! We have a dog who is spoiled rotten and 2 cats, equally spoiled and crazy. I have lost close to 50 pounds already and still have about another 75 pounds to go! Slow and steady is the current theme with me as I havent lost much lately. I'm ready to give myself another swift kick and get my weight loss into gear as we enter this challenge! Bring it on! Feel free to add me as a friend and also to come to me with any questions! Welcome and good luck everyone!
  • Lbrook67
    Lbrook67 Posts: 4
    Hello all! My name is Jeni. When I saw this group I said - Yep this is what I'm doing, this is the kickstart I was looking for!! I have been struggling with my weight all my life but it's only recently that I have actually been feeling the effects. I've always been in pretty good shape even though I was heavier than I should be, but now at 45 my body just doesn't like the extra pounds. I'm in this to be healthy, feel great and look great! I'm 5'7" and weigh 213 lbs. My goal is to hit 150 and see how that feels. I don't have any friends yet since I'm just starting, so please feel free to add me!!

    I'm looking forward to this challenge and watching everyone's success!!
  • GodincreasesIdecrease
    GodincreasesIdecrease Posts: 15 Member
    My name is Sarah. I am tired of wearing stretch pants. I had my youngest daughter in Feb. 2010 and I kept on eating for 2, or 14, afterwards. I felt fat so I just continued eating-like that is logical at all, right? Hormones, I tell ya :O) So, now I am at 181 and want to at least get to 130. I am eating clean. I have a real problem with alcohol and I have been 1 week 1 day sober. I feel really motivated and think I may have tranferred my addiction from alcohol to getting healthy. SCORE!! I would love to have more friends on here for motivation and/or ideas.
    Nice to meet ya!