Lets Get Fit for Fall Semester!!!



  • mnobles92
    mnobles92 Posts: 3
    Hello everybody, I am 20 years old and I will be continuing my college education as a junior in the Fall. Some might say that there's no need for me to lose weight lol but I always say that there is much room for improvement & that is for ANYONE who is trying to work towards becoming a better YOU! Not only would I like to become more fit, I'm doing this for a healthier future! By middle August, I plan on dropping 10 lbs at least so I encourage myself as well as you all to work at what you want to get where you need to be. Feel free to send me a friend request :).
  • Hey folks! Returning to school after a two year break. Hoping to continue making positive changes!

    CW 144
    GW 130

    How I plan to get there is:
    60 mins of cardio everyday
    Taking a fitness class twice a week
    Walking after meals

    LIMITING ALCHOHOL. I couldn't believe how many calories I was consuming from beer

    I forgot to say that in my own plan- limiting the alcohol is HUGE! I am a bartender so it is extra hard when people are always tying to buy drinks for me, free! I love IPAs....like 300 cals each! aaah!
  • I am a 45 year old student! Just about to start my thrid year, I start on September 16th so thats 8 full weeks.

    I went out with a guy who liked to eat out nearly every night - put on a ton of weight! Im not with him now so I need to get me back...what was I thinking!!!

    Im 5'8'' and big frame.
    I am now at 172lbs

    So a reasonable goal would be 2 lbs a week right so I am aiming for 160 lbs

    I am dancing Ceroc twice a week and an hours walk other days.
    I also have a cross trainer I can use every morning for 30 minutes!

    Exercise is good but IT HURTS!!! This kind of puts me off...but I know its a great feeling when I come off!

    Right on! Welcome to the group! Thank God I cannot afford to eat out often because I know I would do it all the time! haha. You will bounce back- the body loves to be healthy:) Good luck!
  • mnobles92
    mnobles92 Posts: 3
    What a coincidence that you sent a friend request my way because I was just about to send you one myself. lol I am currently 135 lbs & your current weight is where I wish to be, around 125-127 lbs. Our weight goals are VERY much similar. Girl what are some things that you did in order to get your weight down & what length of time did it take for you to start seeing results?
  • I'll be starting my second year of college and I gained weight within my first year of being away at college. I've been working on getting in shape this summer and I'd like to be down at least 10 lbs by the time I go back to school. I'm 5' 4" and 138lbs. I have to go back in 3 weeks actually to start training to be an RA but I will get to use the gym then. Right now I just try to run about 1-3 miles everyday and do strength training at home since I don't have a gym membership here. My ultimate goal weight is 115.
  • Hey guys!
    Starting my senior year in the fall woohoo!!!
    I've been using MFP consistently all summer. I am 5'6".
    HW: (start of the summer) 150
    CW: ? I don't have a scale with me, and since I'm doing the insanity program I'm not going to worry about it until I am done with the program (12 days!!).
    GW (by fall): 135
    Ultimate GW: 130

    Best of luck to everyone! And feel free to add me!!
  • fitmeover
    fitmeover Posts: 2
    Hey! I am heading back to school in about a month and would love to get fit and get a good routine down for when I get back. I am a nursing student and will also be working full-time so it will be extremely hard for me to find time to workout and eat right. I'm looking for suggestions and advice on this tough journey.
    I am 5'9" and currently 157 pounds. Though my goal weight is 150 pounds, honestly I could care less what the scale says. I just want to look and feel healthy. I've been working out about 5 days a week but my horrible eating habits are sabotaging my health and body.
    Anyways, I'm new to this so please add me with advice and motivation and I will do the same for you!
  • Looking through these posts, this will probably make me look like a baby, but I'm throwing it out there that I'm starting college in the fall! Would like to arrive looking hot haha. Please add me if you'd like :) Hopefully where I can get to before late August will not only boost my self confidence but will stick as a lifestyle enough to keep off that "freshman 15"...

    Height: 5'1
    CW: 117.5
    GW: 106
  • Hello! My name is Mairead, I am going to be a junior in college this year. I try to run at least four times a week (4-6 miles) and cross train two days (swimming, elliptical, stationary bike, etc.).

    I kind of made up my own diet rules:
    1. No meat other than small amounts of chicken and lean fish
    2. Drinking lots of water at least 5 bottles a day (I live in Texas, soooo)
    3. Cutting out the three C's (chocolate bars, chips, cereal with lots of sugar)

    Height: 5'6
    SW: 131 (BMI: 21.5)
    CW: 124 (BMI: 20.3)
    GW: 120 (BMI: 19.7)

    Please add me! I love to motivate people and I want people to help me out too!
  • Best_MK
    Best_MK Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm a few days shy of being a month away from move-in day and I am new to myfitnesspal! I found out I was lactose intolerant in April, and have shed 10 pounds since coming home for the summer just from my new diet!

    I had a very publicly rough first 2 years at school, and I want to return better than ever. My confidence and attitude have grown tremendously, and I am excited to continue my journey to being healthier.

    Height: 5'4"
    Weight when I left school: 159 lbs.
    Current weight: 147 lbs.
    Goal weight (by 8/20): 136 lbs.

    I am excited to be a member of this group and wish everyone the best of luck!
  • Hey All!

    I'm a bit over a month till move in day for my first year of college. I'm planning on a double major (Theatre and either History or English) with a minor (Legal Studies). So I'll be pretty busy! Of course not too busy to get in my exercise! I'm hoping to be on the Ballroom Dance team as well as the Equestrian team. So that should keep me pretty active! If not, I'd love to give intermural soccer a try.

    Height: 5'5"
    Ultimate GW: 120-130
  • Phoenix212
    Phoenix212 Posts: 54 Member
    What a great group!

    I'm about to start my senior year and I'd like to make it one where I'm not ashamed to wear leggings! Also want to be healthy and fit before I start applying to med schools. Good first impressions and all that! Gained a bunch over the winter and spring and I'm ready to lose it for the fall. Already down from 160, so it's a good start!

    Height: 5' 7.5"
    CW: 153
    GW by Fall: 145 or less
    Ultimately: ~130

    Doing p90x lean, taking a summer class, volunteering at the SPCA (lots of crazy dogs to walk! great exercise and everyone's happy), volunteering at the hospital (lots more walking). I hope to get fit enough to start Insanity up again, I lost a ton of weight doing that and got super fit before.

    I know all kinds of diet tricks because I was seeing a nutritionist last year and she helped me learn heaps about proper dieting for good healthy weight-loss, so if anyone wants any advice or has any questions I don't mind sharing a few ideas. I know I'm not an expert, but I don't mind giving a helping tip here and there :)
  • This website says that I can lose 5 pounds between now and Aug. 21st. Classes (here) begin on the 20th. So a 5 pound goal is what I'm shooting for. If I manage to lose more than that then that's fantastic, but I'm not going to push myself to the point that I burn myself out.

    This is my final semester as an undergrad, so I'm hoping that I'll be much closer to my goal of around 215 lbs by the end of the semester. That's a great way to celebrate graduation.

    Height: 6' 3.5"
    CW: 238
    GW: 233
    Main goal: ~215, variance allowed for muscle weight
  • What a great group!

    I'm about to start my senior year and I'd like to make it one where I'm not ashamed to wear leggings! Also want to be healthy and fit before I start applying to med schools. Good first impressions and all that! Gained a bunch over the winter and spring and I'm ready to lose it for the fall. Already down from 160, so it's a good start!

    Height: 5' 7.5"
    CW: 153
    GW by Fall: 145 or less
    Ultimately: ~130

    Doing p90x lean, taking a summer class, volunteering at the SPCA (lots of crazy dogs to walk! great exercise and everyone's happy), volunteering at the hospital (lots more walking). I hope to get fit enough to start Insanity up again, I lost a ton of weight doing that and got super fit before.

    I know all kinds of diet tricks because I was seeing a nutritionist last year and she helped me learn heaps about proper dieting for good healthy weight-loss, so if anyone wants any advice or has any questions I don't mind sharing a few ideas. I know I'm not an expert, but I don't mind giving a helping tip here and there :)

    So glad to have you on board! I would love to hear any and all of your tips! (Also I did p90X lean last summer...only for about a month-boo. But it worked AWESOME-good for you! I have been thinking about picking it up again...
  • Calliope90
    Calliope90 Posts: 13 Member
    My goal is 10+ pounds lost by September. Go for the gold!
  • emelia_
    emelia_ Posts: 91
    I'm headed into my second year at college, I have a harder time keeping in shape at home than at school :/

    CW: 115
    GW: 112

    I'm veryyy close but I work two jobs and one is at an ice-cream shop haha. So much temptation!
  • hi, i just joined i am really just trying to look good and make a change before school starts

    weight- 260
    height 5'8
    goal weight- 240

    looks like i got some work to do
  • natasha_samara
    natasha_samara Posts: 3 Member
    This is such a great group! I am new to this and I hope to lose 10-15 lbs. before the fall semester starts. I will be starting my junior year in August hopefully by the time I move back I will have lost all the weight that i have gained during my first two years. I do agree that alcohol consumption has to be cut down A LOT in order to lose weight but I think that will be a challenge for me once I am surrounded by the school environment. I just started the Insanity program today and run every other day. I am also a vegetarian so my diet consists mostly of veggies, beans, and grains. If y'all know of any motivation tips please send them my way! and add me as a friend if you wish :)

    age: 20
    height: 5'7"
    HW: 156
    CW: 147
    UGW: 132
  • hello all!

    I'm heading into my senior year at college (wahhh) so I want to make sure that I'm looking good so that I can enjoy it and be able to look back on pictures proudly!

    height: 5'2"
    SW: 161
    CW: 146
    GW (September): 130
    UGW: 100-105
  • merry_abandon
    merry_abandon Posts: 140 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Senior year of college starts for me mid-August, and I haven't seen any of my friends since June, so I want to make a real impression.

    Height: 5' 1/2" (when you're this short, that half inch makes all the difference! :laugh: )
    CW: 119
    GW: 110

    I plan on achieving this by eating ~1200 calories a day, running/walking at least 3 miles everyday, and doing about 3 hours of strength exercises every week. Plus I'm going to continue limiting the amount of fatty/sugary foods I eat!

    Good luck everyone! We can do this!