Introduce Yourself

jobrandes Posts: 136 Member
Hi, my name is Jo-Anne and I am 36. I have a partner who I've been with for over 6 yrs now, she is amazing. As far as my health, weight, etc. I used to be 220lbs standing 5'4". I lost about 100lbs and got to 118lbs at my lowest. I now am about 125lbs.

I did this by eating well and exercising. I am a huge fan of Beachbody workouts like P90X, Insanity, TurboFire, etc. I have a lot of them. I have Hip Hop Abs, Ten Minute Trainer, P90X2, umm, probably others. I'm addicted. Haha. I can pretty much tell you about all the workouts I love them so much.

Anyway, hope to meet more people here.

Oh, I also have an LGBT group on Facebook if you want to join me there.


  • MellowCee
    MellowCee Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I'm Cecelia, and I am 40. I'm single and recently joined mfp. I am 5'4" and my heaviest was mid 170s. My current goal is 135 and will re-evaluate after that. I am currently 167.

    I actually enjoy working out so I look forward to a more active lifestyle. I am in the c25k group also.
  • libratides
    libratides Posts: 11
    Hi Ladies! My name is Danielle. My partner and I have been together going on 3 years this November. We just got married in May! :D I am 5'9" and currently weigh 287. I can't seem to get my head on straight. I'm hoping this time around is IT! I want babies. BAD! But I feel the need to be healthy and be at my best before that happens. Feel free to look me up on FB. Under Danielle Baird.. I think. LOL
  • MellowCee
    MellowCee Posts: 17 Member
    Hey Danielle! Congrats on your wedding! I think your desire to expand your family is a great incentive on your road to better health. Welcome!
  • jobrandes
    jobrandes Posts: 136 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I had no idea that anyone had responded here. Great to meet you all.

    Congrats on the marriage Danielle! That is fantastic. You are right though about getting fit and healthy before the baby thing. I went through IVF and that was one thing they wanted, total health.

    What are you all doing now as far as workouts, nutrition, etc?

    Great meeting you all!

  • gloriousmud
    gloriousmud Posts: 7 Member
    Hey there! I'm Erica! I'm 5'3, 162lbs and looking to loose 40lbs of fat. I love food a little too much... okay a lot too much. I have the cutest girlfriend ever and we will celebrate our first anniversary this summer.

    It's awesome to know this group is here!
  • Legume427
    Legume427 Posts: 7
    Hi, my name is Sabrina and I'm 44. My partner and I have been together almost 16 years. I am a cancer survivor and I lost about 40 lbs when I was ill but I've gained it all back. I'd like to lose about 75 lbs total. I want to be able to do a half marathon before I'm 50 (and maybe a triathlon...) I currently work out with a trainer 2x a week for an hour and I'm training for a 5k in September (raising money for ovarian cancer research) so I'm also walking 2-3x a week. I need to up my exercise.
  • jessicav
    jessicav Posts: 3 Member
    Hi my names Jessica I'm from wisconsin and although i have been using the app version of MFP, this is my first time visiting the boards. I am on my last 40lbs and am enjoying the support! I am currently single after a very long relationship and enjoying discovering this new me. Looking for gfrienda who are on similar journeys.
  • jessicav
    jessicav Posts: 3 Member
    Hi my names Jessica I'm from wisconsin and although i have been using the app version of MFP, this is my first time visiting the boards. I am on my last 40lbs and am enjoying the support! I am currently single after a very long relationship and enjoying discovering this new me. Looking for gfrienda who are on similar journeys.
  • jobrandes
    jobrandes Posts: 136 Member
    Hey Jessica, Sabrina and Erica. Great to meet you. Do you know how I can get an email when someone posts to this group. I feel bad for not knowing that you all posted so I could say hi. I have a group on Facebook so I am there all the time that I always forget to come to this website since I'm on my phone all the time.

    Either way, great to meet you all.

    Jessica, great job on the last 40lbs, that is wonderful. What are you doing as far as workouts? Sorry about the relationship, I have been there. I'm sure you will be strong afterwards though. I know that I lost a lot of weight after mine ended. It just got me going in the right direction.! Congrats to you for being such a survivor. Your goals are amazing and definitely accomplish-able. No doubt about it. What do you do with the trainer, just weights and such? Great job though!

    Erica, nice to meet you. Congrats on the one year anniversary. Very nice! Food is ok, I love food too. You just have to love the right kinds of food and exercise also and then it is ok. You know what I mean? I used to love the wrong food and that caused me to gain a crap load of weight, I never exercised either. Now I still love food but better food and I exercise. It helps.

    Hey, I have a group on Facebook for LGBT folks, fitness related, so if you are interested just add me as a friend and be sure to pop me a message and mention it is for the LGBT group because I have another group of folks doing Beachbody workouts so I don't want to get it confused. You can add me here:

    Talk soon,
  • beachlover1129
    beachlover1129 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, everyone I am Leah. wife Vicki and I have been together 8 years. I have been an overweight adult since I was 18 and just got bigger every year. My highest weight was 331 and that was this past May. Between thyroid issues and my body just refusing to loose any weight no matter how much exercise I did or didn't do or how many calories I ate or didn't eat, I chose to have VSG surgery May 17, 2012. I am finally loosing weight and was introduced to MFP a few months ago but never really utilized it until TODAY. I am happy to find this group and hope to gain a lot of support and friends, and want to be support and friends for others.
  • lcabacungan
    lcabacungan Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone, my name is Lisa. I have an amazing partner, actually fiance'. I just purposed to her a few weeks ago after we celebrated our 20th anniversary. We have 3 beautiful kids, my oldest boy and my twins (girl and a boy). Through the years I have gained over 50lbs and although I lost it over 10 years ago, I put it back on again. Determined to lose it again and maintain a healthy weight. My Dad's side of the family has alot of heart and diabetes issues. When my father had heart surgery (quadrupal bypass) over 10 years ago is why I had lost the weight. It scared me bigtime. A few months ago I had some heart palpatations for weeks, needless to say, reality check again. Had lots of tests done, thank God everything came back good. I have so many blessings in my life and I want to embrace them to the fullest extent, healthy living and lifestyle...for my loved ones and my life. I want to be responsible for what I can, that's a choice I can make. It is great to find this group, look forward to the support system created here. Thanks ladies!
  • beachlover1129
    beachlover1129 Posts: 7 Member
    congratulations on the proposal!!! Welcome to MFP. best of luck with your weight loss
  • Hi my name is Sarah i'm 26 and looking for friends to help encourage me. Are there any people on here from GA?
  • Razorback17
    Razorback17 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Karen and I live in Arkansas. My partner of 6 years and I have an amazing 2 yr old daughter. They are my motivation to want to become more healthy and drop these extra pounds I have put on over the years. I would love to make new supportive friends through this journey.
  • ERZanne
    ERZanne Posts: 3 Member
    HI, my name is Suzanne. I'm 47 (really hate that), been with my partner for just shy of 10 years, and really looking for friends on here to help keep motivated. Especially interested in any others using Fitbit, just got mine and had an eye opening experience on just how "sedentary" I really was! I've been obese pretty much my entire life, and committed to a change.
  • ERZanne
    ERZanne Posts: 3 Member
    HI, my name is Suzanne. I'm 47 (really hate that), been with my partner for just shy of 10 years, and really looking for friends on here to help keep motivated. Especially interested in any others using Fitbit, just got mine and had an eye opening experience on just how "sedentary" I really was! I've been obese pretty much my entire life, and committed to a change.
  • MarielleVert
    MarielleVert Posts: 18 Member
    Hey Y'all! I'm Megan and I'm from North Carolina. My partner and I have been together around five years. I'm looking to lose about 100lbs in total I've already lost 18. I have a degree in vocal music performance (singing) and want to get back on stage. I am working in higher education human resources and sit at a computer most of the day. I hate to work out, mainly because I hate to sweat, and I LOVE food. I'm the kind of girl when you offer me dessert, I say "sure I'll have another pork chop"
    I'm not trying for a quick fix. Mamma always said "it didn't get here over night, and it sure as hell isn't going away over night" I'm getting healthy for my family and more importantly, myself. I'm never going to be "skinny" I wear a size 11 shoe and 13 ring for God's sake. I'm cool with that, I just want to ride rides at amusement parks comfortably.

    Feel free to add me and we can support one another! :)

  • My name is Angel. I will be 31yrs young on Sept. 2nd. I am on round two of my weight loss. I started about almost 2yrs ago and fell away from my goal. I went from 280lbs to 240lbson round one.... As of this morning I am at 237lbs. I want to get to below 200lbs by 2013. I want to start the new season in better health and a smaller size. OOoooh, by season I mean Roller Derby season!! I play Roller Derby with the ICT Roller Girls in Wichita, KS. My goal is to be about 175-150lbs and holding steady by the time I get married. I plan on proposing to my partner and my best friend on November 10th, 2012 at our annual Roller Derby Awards Banquet. I would like to find more ladies to share this journey with. If your looking for friends/support system/etc. Add Me!

    Hope all your journeys are successful!
    <3 Angel VonDevilish #9139
    ICT Roller Girls
  • Hello, friends!! My name is Melissa and I am 33. I am a lawyer still looking for a place in the legal world. Currently, I work for myself. I am married to my stunning wife, and we are coming up on our 1 year wedding anniversary. She's the most wonderful person in my life and I'm blessed to have her.

    At my heaviest, I was 280 pounds. I am now 225 (probably less since I don't weigh myself often). I lost 40 pounds and kept it off and the rest is a new journey. Since beginning, I have lost over 22 inches. I'm thrilled with my progress.

    I try to eat mostly plant based foods, but as you will see if you look at my diary, I am not 100% vegan. I eat some meat, and try to just stay on the healthy side of food. I have days, like most people, where I eat like crap (not as often as it used to be!), but I always pay the price by feeling like YUK afterwards. I try to correct it by working out.

    My wife and I are training to compete in an adventure race on September 29th. She is a full-time firefigher and has much better stamina than I do. She has also done these races before. I'm excited to get out there and try it!

    I LOVE hiking, biking, kayaking and backpacking. I love animals. I love my family.

    Feel free to add me.
  • syluntdove
    syluntdove Posts: 3 Member
    hello my name is Simone, I am single hey girl hey! i just recently lost 7 pounds when i started eating better while using mfp. I have been using it but utilizing it for all it's worth. I started this journey at 292 and am down to 285 in 2 weeks. i have my settings set up so that I am eating enough calories to burn if I was not exercising at all. That way I can be surprised to see I lost more than the "2lb" per week goal I have set up. i am not only gay but into the bdsm lifestyle so I would like to be thinner so that I have more mobility in play and bondage. At my lowest when I met my ex wife I was a size 18 and I can't wait to get there again because a size 12 is just a hop skip and a jump from there