Newcomer Aboard!!!

Twallstreet2 Posts: 16 Member
Hey Everyone,

I'm a newbie and looking forward to joining my fabulous 40 something lady counterparts. This is my 4th go around with MFP so I'll definitely need your support. However, I know this time around I will be successful...I"m claiming it! Can't wait to meet everyone and I look forward to cheering you all on as well.


  • motherbetty
    motherbetty Posts: 170 Member
    Welcome! :)
  • ssbarfarkle
    ssbarfarkle Posts: 150 Member
    Welcome! I'm on my fourth go around on MFP as well. Hopefully this will be our time to shine!! My biggest problem is exercise. I hate it! Second biggest problem is evening eating. I seem to eat just for something to do. So those are my 2 big areas of concentration. Hmmmm... Maybe I should exercise in the evening for something to do. Sounds so simple- now to get my butt from the kitchen/couch to the treadmill. :) Good luck!!
  • BarbBlue
    BarbBlue Posts: 251

    This is the first time I have done MFP. I am like you though, I am going to do it this time! So long extra pounds!!!
  • Goingnuts2
    Goingnuts2 Posts: 160 Member
    Welcome aboard, it is a lifelong journey and we meet such wonderful, supportive AND committed friends!

    We can do this and we WILL do this!
  • sweetpea5445
    sweetpea5445 Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome. Add me as a friend.
  • M3l1s5a
    M3l1s5a Posts: 69
    Welcome! Feel free to add me :happy:
  • citygirl4ever
    citygirl4ever Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome back!!! I know you can do it this time. Per your profile page it sounds that you were not really ready in the past to make the changes that need to be done. But you ready this time around. BTW, congrats for taking is the first step in taking any journey. I know you will succeed. Feel free to add me.
  • Tammi14
    Tammi14 Posts: 12
    Hi! I am a newbie as well. I would like to lose approx. 20lbs. I have a problem with staying motivated. I purchased the fitbit and it does seem to help keep me motivated...working towards the goals each day. I am looking forward to being a part of the group and would like to welcome any friend requests from those that can help keep me motivated. Tammi
  • I'm looking for support too - friend me :happy: I'm 41 and not having much luck dropping ANY weight... but besides that, life is grand :tongue:
  • danabromley
    danabromley Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome looking forward to getting to know you. I've been here a couple months and love it. So if you choose to accept I'll send you a friend request. We can't have to much support I've found that out real quick.:smile:
  • grdnr03
    grdnr03 Posts: 547 Member
    im also new to MFP about a month now, and i just joined the fab 40 group any one feel free to add me as a friend!:flowerforyou: :happy:
    I feel this is what i needed to make me accountable for my actual food intake not an estimate that was way off!
  • nfroff
    nfroff Posts: 24
    Jump right on in! If you keep trying you'll get there in the end!
  • blushlady
    blushlady Posts: 7 Member
    Hey everyone,

    40 is the new 30!!!!!

    I feel great and I want to look great also.

    This is the perfect app and group to make me accountable!

    Add me as a friend we can do it together :happy:
  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    Welcome ladies. You have all come to the right place. This group is all about support and staying positive so we can motivate ourselves and each other to acheive our goals... big and small.
  • Frogger54
    Frogger54 Posts: 48 Member
    This is the group for me. Please feel free to add me a friend. I need to be held accountable. Sometime people around you just down understand what you are going through.
  • Wrreck
    Wrreck Posts: 99 Member
    Hi, I hope that you suceed in your efforts! I'm new here, just started on Monday. I've tried WW and spark before but I like this site better because they make it easy for you to see how to correct your calorie overage by adjusting it with your exercise efforts. I went over yesterday but then looked up how many minutes on the wii it took to burn them off. Easy!
  • psbp72
    psbp72 Posts: 2 Member
    New here too - turned 40 in June and determined to be 40 and fabulous!!! Have been losing the same 20lbs for what seems like the last 20 years so now is the time to get rid of it for good!!!:laugh:
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    Welcome, any of you can feel free to friend me! I've olny been here a few weeks myself & it's been great :bigsmile:
  • sweetpea5445
    sweetpea5445 Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome Back.