Progress updates

Hey everyone, just wanted to do a check in post to see how everyone is doing? I think having support, encouragement and motivation are really powerful on our journeys :)

I am trying hard this week, have been sticking to the 30DS and have been trying to push myself harder as each day passes, still finding it a struggle at times though...

On the eating front, I have been again trying to stick to my calorie limit, I eat back most of my exercise calories, but have been noticing that I am eating the wrong things at times even though they fit into my limit they waaay exceed my carbs and fat limits, so my aim is to try working on that!

How is everyone else getting along? :)


  • shavon007
    shavon007 Posts: 143 Member
    Hello, I'm doing ok with my workouts this week well besides today I showed up late for my workout class. Not I have to make up a workout later on today. Im having a hard time with eating the week. I snacked on some chips last night. So I have to work on late night snacking for the reminder of the week.
  • goforit06
    goforit06 Posts: 132 Member
    Having a bad week. Been under or right at my calories, but it's the wrong foods. Exercise has been not consistent. I've been on here a month and I know I've hit my lazy stage. Need to get back to the motivation!!!! Ideas??? Feeling tired and down this week bc of it....
  • UmmShahad
    UmmShahad Posts: 37
    Having a bad week. Been under or right at my calories, but it's the wrong foods. Exercise has been not consistent. I've been on here a month and I know I've hit my lazy stage. Need to get back to the motivation!!!! Ideas??? Feeling tired and down this week bc of it....

    I have days like those too, I tell myself that tomorrow is a clean sheet, new day filled with renewed intentions. If you find that exercise is a struggle to fit into your day maybe do it first thing in the morning that way it is done and forgotten about....thats what I try to do, exercise before my brain actually wakes up :P

    Think of all the progress you have made so far and draw strength from it, you can do this, you know you can, just push through this stage one day at a time. Drink plenty of water, plan your meals ahead if that gives you more control.

    We got this ;)
  • bellabijou
    bellabijou Posts: 82 Member
    I struggled this weekend for sure- we had to go out of town unexpectedly, and while I tried to stay as conscious as I could about what I was eating, it was difficult. I just tried to make the best choices I could, or take small portions if I knew there weren't really any great options for me. I do know that I went over my calorie goal every day, but at least I for the most part stayed aware of what I was eating.
  • snickerskittycat
    snickerskittycat Posts: 16 Member
    I had fair week last week and I lost a pound. Very happy! I walked 8 miles last week! :smile: