Workout Log

This is where we will log out process! We will say what day we are on, what program, what work out you did for that program, any additional work outs you might have done, cups of water you had, then honestly grade yourself on your effort and progress! Then use the comment part to say what you did better/worse. We will have a daily workout discussion board for everyone to offer each other advice, but please only use this area to post work out logs and your own criticism, so that things stay organized and easy to read! The format we will use is:

Day: 1 (July 23rd)
Program: P90x

Program Workout: Chest & Back

Additional Workout(s): Walking, 30 mins

Water (cups): 12

Grade: C

Comments: I could have gone up in weights, but I did more push ups that ever!

Here is a blank one to copy/paste:

Day: ()

Program Workout:

Additional Workout(s):

Water (cups):




  • vportillo14
    vportillo14 Posts: 11 Member
    Day: 5
    Program: P90X

    Program Workout: legs/back/ABS

    Additional Workout(s): none

    Water (cups): plenty
  • sleigh54
    sleigh54 Posts: 3
    Day: 1 (7/23/12)
    Program: P90X Double

    Program Workout: Chest and Back / Ab Ripper X

    Additional Workout(s): None today

    Water (cups): Not Sure

    Grade: C-

    Comments: I definitely did more reps than I thought I could accomplish but I know I can do better. Looking forward to day 2!
  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    Day: 1
    Program: P90X
    Program Workout: Chest and Back, Ab Ripper X

    Additional Workout(s): Not yet, day not done.

    Water (cups): So far 5

    Grade: D

    Comments: I have started P90X before and out of the videos I have done this is my least favorite. Did what I could, I don't have a pull up bar so unable to do those and push ups have never been my friend. I did my best only got about half of it done. But at least I got up this morning and did it. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • BradHallFitness
    BradHallFitness Posts: 152 Member
    I typically post my accountability on Facebook and via Youtube. So here is a link to my daily youtube video for accountability:
  • vportillo14
    vportillo14 Posts: 11 Member
    I was only able to half of the chest and back today, and did AB ripper x. Tonight After Meet the teacher, I plan to go walking.
  • sgoessling
    sgoessling Posts: 119
    Here is a blank one to copy/paste:

    Day: One (July 23rd)
    Program: P90x Classic

    Program Workout: Chest and Back

    Additional Workout(s): 30 Day Shred 1vl 1

    Water (cups): (so far) 10 cups

    Grade: C+

    Comments: I just found out what it means to work yourself out to failure. As in, i literally lack the abilty to do one more push up. Not the voice saying oww this hurts, i mean the voice saying come on just one MORE and my arms not being able to as hard as I pushed. It... Was... AWESOME!!!! I was sloppy, messy, ond did pushups on my knees but it was still amazing that I pushed myself that far. I feel so so proud of myself! But I still have a LOT of room for improvement!
  • jcbrwn011
    jcbrwn011 Posts: 3
    Day: One (July 23rd)
    Program: P90x Classic

    Program Workout: Chest and Back

    Additional Workout(s): None today

    Water (cups): (so far) 14 cups

    Grade: C

    I pushed myself very hard today. On the second half of the workout I made sure to surpass my previous reps. Although I was satisfied with my workout, I am still lacking in push ups. I have never been able to do a complete push up, but by the end of this I plan to be able to do them like a pro! lol Ready to get started tomorrow!!!
  • Day: 1
    P90X Classic
    Chest and Ab Ripper X
    Grade: B-

    I love strengthening exercises so this one was great, feeling it in the back and shoulders and chest today. I need to push myself a little bit harder with the push ups...the decline push up I still cant do well. The Ab Ripper X was a killer, tough routines but i just had to push myself.

    Day: 2
    Grade: B

    Wow, this definitely gets your heart pumping!, I had to bring it today! Paused several times just to catch my breath as my HR was going through the roof. You have to give it your best but don't give up! even if its hard and it hurts...don't give up!
  • BradHallFitness
    BradHallFitness Posts: 152 Member
    Good morning everyone. Love getting my workout completed early in the morning.
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