Week One Results

RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
I decided the best thing to keep me motivated was to do a weekly weigh in and take measurements. I was dissappointed with the scale because I only dropped 1.8 pounds but was shocked to find that I had lost a total of 8 inches. I am taking measurements of chest, waist, hips, upper thighs, upper knee, calves and arms. This definitely has boosted by enthusiasm!!


  • priepen
    priepen Posts: 37 Member
    Keep up the good work the scale can be a pain sometimes with this workout I go weeks and see no change I am on week 10 day 2.
  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    That is amazing!
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    michelle_mareshfuehrer Posts: 312 Member
    I feel like I measured the wrong areas to reflect on my losses. I've noticed a decrease in back and armpit fat, toning in my shoulders area, and smaller arms. Unfortunately, I measured my waist, hips, and chest. I think before/during/after photos may end up being the best evidence of my results when all is said and done.
  • kritney
    kritney Posts: 132 Member
    Congrats on the inches lost! I really need to do my measurements too as the scale has not been my friend lately.
  • beeceezee
    beeceezee Posts: 46 Member
    Way to go on both losses!
    I need to be better at taking measurements and pics to see progress.

    The scale has been so unkind as of late :(
  • IcassI
    IcassI Posts: 248 Member
    Great job!
  • denise33027
    denise33027 Posts: 108 Member
    Great results!
  • babycakesjen
    Awesome!!!! keep it up!
  • meglet175
    Well done! I agree with you that the scale alone is not a good measure of progress.

    I measure all over my body - at my waist, belly button, high hip, low hip, fattest part of the thigh, just above the knee - well, you get the idea. In the last two weeks I've been really faithful with eating and exercising, but the scale hadnt' budged. When I measured, though - I had trimmed about an inch off most of my torso measurements and a half-inch off my arm and leg measurements during the two-week period when I didn't lose a pound. If you are building muscle - and if you do the TurboFire core, toning, and sculpting routines you will be - the scale does NOT tell the whole story.

    As a bonus, I have noticed a huge improvement in my core strength. I am powering through all the ab work and loving it! I broke my arm badly in March and spent 7 weeks in a cast, during which time I became a marshmallow due to inactivity. It feels so good to be fit and strong again!