Weigh in #2- July 24th

Ariana120689 Posts: 85 Member
SW:186 (July 10th)
W1W:183.8 (July 17th) -2.2
W2W:183.0 (July 24th) -.8

TWL: 3lbs

Didn't think I was going to lose anything (thanks to the bf taking me to Maggianos and out for drinks). Yayyy me


  • restoreleanne
    restoreleanne Posts: 217 Member
    CW :200
    GW: 180
    TWL: 5.2

    Tuesday 7/10 W1W: 200
    Tuesday 7/17 W2W: 197.2
    Tuesday 7/24 W3W: 194.8
    Tuesday 7/31 W4W:
    Tuesday 8/07 W5W:
    Tuesday 8/14 W6W:
    Tuesday 8/21 W7W:
    Tuesday 8/28 W8W:
  • Rebeccawks
    Rebeccawks Posts: 61 Member
    W3W: 193.8

    Total lost: 5.2
  • UmmShahad
    UmmShahad Posts: 37
    SW: 152
    W1W: 149.6
    W2W: 150 :(

    Must work harder!
  • MaxlacusNight
    MaxlacusNight Posts: 44 Member
    W3W: 221.6

    Total lost: 3.1 :(
  • goforit06
    goforit06 Posts: 132 Member
    I'll believe in slow and stead wins the race, but I better pick it up!!!!

    SW: 160
    W1W: 159
    W2W: 158

    Had an ok week...my food killed me and I was kinda down all week so this week is new and I'm going to keep going!!!!

    Great job everyone!!!! Keep it up! :)
  • maxwellt13
    maxwellt13 Posts: 20
    Start of challenge Weigh in: 244
    Tuesday 17th W2W: (missed)
    W3W: 239
    Final Weigh in:

    Lost: 5lbs :D
  • brittmar25
    brittmar25 Posts: 71 Member
    SW (start of challenge weight): 220.4
    W1W (week 1 weigh in): 217
    W2W: 218.8

    Gain: 1.8 :( I don't know what happened...

    TPL (total pound loss to date): 1.6

  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 619 Member
    SW: 144.4 (July 10th)
    W1W: 144.4 (July 17th)
    W2W: 144.4 (July 24th)

    TWL: Big fat zero! getting frustrated :(
  • kd1414
    kd1414 Posts: 8 Member
    SW: 222.5
    W1W: 215
    W2W: 215.6

    AARGH! I gained .6 pounds over our vacation. We had no internet so it was more difficult for me to track my food. Back on plan 24/7 this week.

    TPL (total pound loss to date): 6.9 pounds
  • back4good
    back4good Posts: 17
    W1W:181.5 (-1.5 LBS)
    W2W:178.5 (-3 LBS)

    TWL: 4.5 LBS

    It's a miracle... I thought I was going to break even today, and was in such disbelief after weighing myself 5 times that I had my husband weigh himself to verify the scale wasn't broken!! Hallelujah!
  • SW: 225
    W1W: 224 (-1 LBS)
    W2W: 220 (-4 LBS) !!!

    TWL: 5 LBS

    So crazy how that works! I was sooooo strict about my diet during week one and I only lost one pound. This week I made some bad decisions regarding food but still managed to have a four pound loss! Whoot Whoot! I'm still killing it at the gym with classes and the C25K program. I think that the gym is the key for me. I'm not cabable of living off of 1200 calories a day but I can sweat my butt off at the gym! Striving to find that perfect balance!
  • Fist bumb to back4good! Despite some minor set backs we still ended up kicking some tail!
  • back4good
    back4good Posts: 17
    Fist bumb to back4good! Despite some minor set backs we still ended up kicking some tail!

    Can you believe it?!? Congrats, I'm happy for you too!! Let's do it again this week and see what happens! ... :happy:
  • bellabijou
    bellabijou Posts: 82 Member
    SW:178.5 (July 10th)
    W1W:174.5 (July 17th) -4
    W2W:173.5 (July 24th) -1

    Total loss : 5 lbs
  • brittmar25
    brittmar25 Posts: 71 Member
    SW: 144.4 (July 10th)
    W1W: 144.4 (July 17th)
    W2W: 144.4 (July 24th)

    TWL: Big fat zero! getting frustrated :(

    Could your body be too used to routine? Have you tried dropping your calorie goal or increased your activity? That may help. Your body could now be comfortable. If you're eating and exercising the same amount you did when you weighed more, your body isn't burning as many calories as it did before.. resulting in a constant, not a drop.

    Regardless.. you are fabulous :]
  • Tjsgranny
    Tjsgranny Posts: 5 Member
    -1.0. :ohwell:
  • sarahg2290
    sarahg2290 Posts: 54 Member
    W1W: 168
    W2W: 168
    TWL: 2 lbs.

    No more lost this week, but none gained either, so I'm happy about that!
  • BlurtLouder
    BlurtLouder Posts: 20 Member
    SW: 167.4
    W1W: 166.6
    W2W: 164.4
    TPL: 3lbs

    That's more like it!
  • jennadiane_
    jennadiane_ Posts: 36 Member
    Start of challenge Weigh in: 149
    W1W: 147.6
    W2W: 147.2

    * I'm getting frustrated. I'm staying under my calories, I'm working out every day. I've been doing the Insanity work outs and I think I'm toning up - which is fine - and it's causing me to stay the same weight, but I am losing inches which is a good thing as well.

    I have to start doing lower heart rate cardio exercises I think (more treadmill/elliptical). My heart rate is getting too high with Insanity and it's passing the "burning fat" stage and going to the "make muscle/build endurance" stage. I need to slow down a little anyway because I'm starting to develop shin splints I think from all the high impact from Insanity and the running I've been doing.

    Here's to another week....
  • hhoward11
    hhoward11 Posts: 13
    Horrible weekend camping food issues. Just thankful I didn't gain at this point. A little sad that all that hard work was blown.:(

    CW :164.4
    GW: 147
    TWL: 2.6

    Tuesday 7/10 W1W: 167
    Tuesday 7/17 W2W: 165.2
    Tuesday 7/24 W3W: 164.4
    Tuesday 7/31 W4W:
    Tuesday 8/07 W5W:
    Tuesday 8/14 W6W:
    Tuesday 8/21W7W:
    Tuesday 8/28 W8W: