Feel like giving up

primrosehill Posts: 84 Member
Yes, I'll admit it, I'm looking for a tiny bit of sympathy and a massive boot up the (still large) backside. I've regained 2lbs of my initial 5lb weight loss over the past three weeks and I'm beginning to think I'll never be anything be under 11 stone 7lbs. I'm currently 11 stone 11lbs and really want to get down to 10 stone. I've had seriously disordered eating all my life, right from infancy and ranging from what would nowadays be called a 'food phobia' in childhood to anorexia and bulimia in adolescence and then being overweight since my mid-twenties. Am I seriously thinking I can change 37 years of cr@p eating in a few months??? Well, partly, yes. I do think MFP has helped me eat like something approaching a 'normal' person (3 meals a day - that's a whole new world for me!) but my bipolar disorder means when the chips are down, they're also in a great humungous mound on my plate and making their delicious vinegary way to my salivating chops!! AARRGGHH!!! I may be mocking myself but I'm in tears writing this. I'm so angry at myself. But surely it says something that I went round the co-op this morning thinking 'what the hell, I'm going to binge' and ended up with a punnet of raspberries and a small chocolate mousse?! I don't know.

Sorry about the rant and the tears and the vision of a large backside pleading to be booted and then lovingly soothed....But please send help, immediately!!


  • KateinSomerset
    KateinSomerset Posts: 21 Member
    I am no expert on all this but please don't give up. You HAVE lost 3lbs and albeit a small amount, it is still a pound a week (which as I understand it is the best amount to lose (ie 1lb a week). Relearning eating habits is a bugger and from what you say in your post, a difficult one for you personally. Do you belong to any sort of support group? Remember you are not alone in your struggle and there are lots of us out here more than will to encourage you when it gets tough. Enjoy your raspberries!
  • sodaisy
    sodaisy Posts: 69
    Don't give up, I had the same feeling few weeks ago and someone from MFP said we didn't get fat over night so it is going to take time to lose them. She is right, it is going to take time, I am losing, but very slowly.

    I'm still struggling to stay within my calories limit, I'm hungry all the time, not just nibble, but actually eat a full meal. Just have to learn to eat the right thing to start with then try to reduce the quantity. In my case, I can't stop eating so I exercise more, I took up running! Never run my whole life before, wouldn't run for a bus, now I just signed up to run 10k in Cheddar Gorge, I still can't run non stop for 0.5 miles!

    You can do it! Take your time, nothing can change overnight but in time your goal(s) will be within reach.
  • primrosehill
    primrosehill Posts: 84 Member
    Aw, thanks both of you - your comments have really made a difference. sodaisy - I used to run and absolutely loved it, so you go for it! Unfortunately my osteopath has told me no more running as it damages my spine (I have a congenital back disorder that means my lower spine doesn't curve properly). Being stupid, I ignored him and tried doing the couch-to-5K challenge - throughly enjoyed myself for two weeks, then was in agony and pretty much housebound for three weeks! I really hit rock-bottom then and gained five pounds, but then my husband found this site and I signed up. Have now been back at the gym for 2 weeks and trying not to beat myself up for only being able to do moderate-level intensity exercise. So run all you can! - I throughly recommend it for both weight loss and stress relief.

    Thanks again for taking the time to respond - it means a lot

  • clairegreen1974
    clairegreen1974 Posts: 121 Member
    We all have days (and days in a row) like this - I am! Im hacked off at myself as i had a splitting migraine this morning and couldn't walk straight let alone go to the gym. i punish myself, could i have forced myself to go? was i really that bad? if im honest, yes i was, but it doesn't stop me beating myself up over it.

    I had a sports addiction and anorexia when i was a teen, my mum (an alcoholic) always used to laugh and tell me i was fat, ugly, the lot. to me it was the only thing i could control, and control it i did. we never had breakfast cereals, sweets, crisps or anything at home as a kid, and the pittance dinner money i got was spent on 10p crisps and chocolate as it kept me going through the day and i could get more food with my money. (50p a day) so when i left home, that was what i had tained my body to do, tick over on high sugar instant boosters to get me through, only i had my own money so i could buy junk all the time, i had no concept of meals really... I shattered both kneecaps in my teens, and a drunken fall in my 20's sealed my arhtritic fate. so then it was junk but NO exercise... years later... BINGO WINGS & BOULDER BUTT!! :grumble: