The Dark Knight Rises Spoiler thread

threnners Posts: 175 Member
Okay, the lovely folks of Citrix did a screening of this today nationwide, and while I'm not going to spoil anything for the release tomorrow, OH MY GOD IT WAS AWESOME, AMAZING, AND EPIC. Emphasis on the Epic. I could not be any happier with the way it turned out.

Trailers were kinda meh though, with the exception of Django Unchained (looks to be awesomesauce) and Man of Steel.

I look forward to hearing what everyone else thinks!


  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    Is this out tomorrow? I'm looking forward to seeing it. Christian Bale was looking older (rough) in the few trailer's I saw so curious to see how they take the storyline.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    OMG We got to see it 6 hours before the midnight launch....the movie is AMAZING!!!!! What a trilogy for the ages.
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    what a movie, and ultimatley what a Trilogy! Nolan did good!
    I screamed out loud, I jumped out of my seat, I laughed, I cried..... OMG what a perfect action movie!
    just amazing!

    massive debate in the car on the way home, (trying not to give anything away) who thinks Alfred was 'daydreaming' at the end? or were they really there?
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    what a movie, and ultimatley what a Trilogy! Nolan did good!
    I screamed out loud, I jumped out of my seat, I laughed, I cried..... OMG what a perfect action movie!
    just amazing!

    massive debate in the car on the way home, (trying not to give anything away) who thinks Alfred was 'daydreaming' at the end? or were they really there?

    No I think that was real, and it honestly finished it perfectly!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    what a movie, and ultimatley what a Trilogy! Nolan did good!
    I screamed out loud, I jumped out of my seat, I laughed, I cried..... OMG what a perfect action movie!
    just amazing!

    massive debate in the car on the way home, (trying not to give anything away) who thinks Alfred was 'daydreaming' at the end? or were they really there?

    No I think that was real, and it honestly finished it perfectly!

    I agree, it was real. Actually, its was funny because my house guest was saying how awesome it would be if they killed Batman at the end of the movie, and I was like "sorry to break it to you but the studio won't let an ending like that happen, they want to make MONEY and mainstream america wants a happy ending" and then as the movie was winding down I was like "HOLY **** DID THEY LET HIM DO IT?!!?!?!"

    and I totally believed they DID ....but then nope. So, really well crafted as it totally overrode my belief that such a thing wouldn't be allowed. And also, I was NEVER bored or antsy and that's frankly a long time to sit for me. The lord of the rings movies (even in theatres, not the extendeds) just KILL me./
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    I just got back from watching TDKR, and it was better than I had expected. I thought the first 2 movies were okay, with the Joker being the only truly interesting character. The whole bit with Blake at the end seemed cliche.
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    I think Nolan has killed HIS Wayne and HIS Batman, if someone else wants to take over then its open I suppose.
    Good luck with that!
  • jaric01
    jaric01 Posts: 132 Member
    So are we looking at a follow up movie with Robin as the lead?
  • GeekyGirlLyn
    GeekyGirlLyn Posts: 238 Member
    I would love to see a followup movie like that. I think as long as they stuck with the same writers, directors and producers it would be amazing.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    So are we looking at a follow up movie with Robin as the lead?

    I don't think so. I think that was meant to tie things up, not just trail into a train of horrible unending sequels. As a trilogy it was wrapped up nicely.

    Also I can't really imagine what the storyline would be there. Either way I look forward to whatever Nolan's team brings us next (because hey, he reuses the same team for everything, including actors)
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    Warner Bros will keep milking the cash cow, with or without Nolan
  • Ro0kins_Wedding
    I thought it was ok. I liked it but didn't love it as much as TDK. I guess what ruined it for me was knowing a bit too much about the characters backgrounds. For example when they made out that Bane was Raj Al Gul's son. I was like 'no he isn't!?' then I started to think. 'ooh, I wonder if Miranda Tate is actually Talia al Ghul?' *1 hour later* 'I knew it'.
    Also I was like... The people of Gotham are a bit thick.

    Gotham Resident 1 - "No one has seen Batman for 8 years!"
    Gotham Resident 2 - "Yeah it was around that time that Bruce Wayne became a recluse..."
    Gotham Resident 1 - "Wait... You don't think...?"
    Gotham Resident 2 - "No..."
    Gotham Resident 1 - "Yes.."
    Gotham Resident 2 - "BRUCE WAYNE KILLED BATMAN!?"
    Gotham Resident 1 - "It makes sense"
    Gotham Resident 2 - "Let's keep this to ourselves otheriwse Bruce might try and kill us too"

    The only person who figured it was the John Blake character, and him being Robin or taking over from Batman almost obvious as soon as him and Batman / Bruce starting talking...

    John Blake - "I know who you are, I want to be like you and stuff but why do you wear the mask?"
    Bruce Wayne- "I wear the mask to protect the people I love... I said YOU NEED TO WEAR A MASK" *looks to camera* "A MASK... get it" *winks*

    I loved Catwoman and I loved her ears/goggles thing. Bane was ok. I did think it went on a bit in the middle, but I liked the ending. I did think it should have been left more ambiguous. Have Alfred look up and you see his face change with a slight smile and then cut. THE END. However some people on the internet are saying that they believe that Bruce is indeed dead and what Alfred saw what he wanted to see. There are also some people who say that the cafe scene at the end was heaven and that Alfred had passed on it was like end of LOST. I don't think that was the case. I believe that what we saw on screen happened. Bruce and Selina had found a way to disappear and John will take over as Gotham's new protector.

    I think if Warner Bros what to make new films in the Batman universe that Nolan has created they should follow John's Batman / Robin / Nightwing character of even better...

    lets see an Anne Hathaway Catwoman film!
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    ALL SPOILER! In case some missed the Spoiler in thread name.

    I'm totally in love with Nolan's storytelling. I loved it more than TDK only because it's harder to put everything together and not leave obvious loose ends in an ending movie in a trilogy. As a Nolan follower and a huge Batman fan, it had no twists for me. Learning Blake's both parents are dead when he visits Bruce Wayne, he was Nolan's Robin whom he never wanted to include in his movies as a sidekick. Alfred's detailed dramatic speech about Florence visits hinted to the ending. Early in the movie Bruce Wayne kissing both Miranda and Selina, (later to be followed with the romantic scene in front of fireplace where she says "Screw everything, let's jump on my plane and go somewhere together" that was very Samaritan of her lol), meant one of them was evil and it wasn't Selina for sure. Cillian Murphy! I love his Scarecrow and the trial of Gordon and how he was condemned to Death... by exile was perfect as Scarecrow never directly had blood on his hands.

    I love how Nolan resolved the inner conflict of each character including side cast, enough to ignore obvious goofs like no Anne Hathaway's stunt double wearing no high heels in the action scene with Batman, following her high heel scene with Daggett. GCPD on policemen's uniforms but GPD on police cars etc.

    My own geek cloud 9.