Can anyone recommend....

a good training regimine?

Training for our local 60 mile MS fundraiser in September. Longest single ride to date is 28 miles. My July goal is 50 miles a week.

Any and all suggesttions welcomed. Thanks


  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member

    I got back into cycling about 18 months ago and signed up for a local charity ride which was also 60 miles. As I work full time and have other pastimes I find it hard to get as much training in as I'd like, but I cycled into work a couple of times a week (12 mile round trip) and then tried to go on longer rides at weekends. Building up a few extra miles each week. The longest ride I did before it was 45 miles, and to be honest if you can get that far and you fuel your body right then you can do 60 miles, you get into a rhythm.

    Try and do some hilly rides too as that will help your stamina and average speed over the flat too.

    I've signed up for a 100km ride local to me as well which is in September so I'm going to start stepping up the weekend rides again - can't wait!!

    Good luck :)
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    It's a hard deal if you have a full time job. I find that my trainer really comes in handy. Basically looking at an hour on the trainer on T and Th and then a long ride on the weekend. Just try extending the weekend ride out by 5 miles each go and you should be fine. The maps on come in real handy. Some local bike shops may have maps on their sites as well
  • phil85207
    phil85207 Posts: 20
    I have completed, I don't know how many century rides and I can tell you there is nothing that will prepare you like seat time. How do you feel after doing 45 miles? How does you butt feel, your back, your arms and hands? You should be able to do that easily, and once a week is enough for the distance ride. Try to get in longer rides a little at a time adding just 5 to 8 miles a week to the longer rides. Stretch your self, all the time remember to stay hydrated and fueled. Don't over eat and eat only easily digested foods, Gels at your bike shop should be great for that ride. Don't start out on a full stomach, as you could get sick and you don't want your body concentrating on digestion when you want it to supply blood to your muscles.
    On shorter rides try to get in some intervals, where you give it all you have for a few minutes after a good warm up and then go slower for a while. Try to do several of them on the shorter rides. That will do wonders for your stamina. Good luck and stay safe. Phil.