Total Daily Insulin

jonnyrosko Posts: 30 Member
Hey T1's,

How much insulin do you take in a day? I’m on a pump and basal about 25 units and bolus about 15 units for an average of 40 units a day.

Just curious to see what other people are taking.


  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    My average changes based on the day (weekends are higher). Generally about 31 during the week and 45 on the weekends.
  • KristaTellier
    KristaTellier Posts: 270 Member
    Great question!

    In the last month my daily lowest was 30 units (yay!) and highest was 63 units (boo). I usually consider it an ok day if I keep it 45 or under, and a great day if I'm 38 or under.
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    I usually use around 40.
  • daynalawson
    My basal is about 25, I have 3 different patterns on my pump that I use, and around 25 for bolus. I just joined myfitnesspal and I am hoping that by counting calories, I will eat less carbs and thus use less insulin.
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    My 31 day average is 28.77 units/day. I try to keep it 30 units or less... I figure, the less insulin I'm using, the more likely I am to lose weight! Also, I started using a continuous glucose monitor and that has made a HUGE difference in my ability to control my sugar and fine tune my basal rates :)
  • Cool! This is the only place I've heard really great things about the CGM, so I want to give it a try :).
    Lately, I've been keeping my average to about 40 units a day. This is from 60-70 units a day from the past couple of years (where I was giving almost 15 units for just a dinner meal!! eek!). I gained 15 pounds, and I think it definitely comes from the insulin as I have been eating as healthily as possible and working out. Although I am not exercising at the moment due to a cyst in my back, I hope that 40 units a day will aid in me shedding off some of the weight.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    Hmm...33 of basal (Levemir) and anywhere from maybe 10-15 for bolus (depending on what I eat, of course).

    Pre weight loss I was at about 40 basal and 15+ bolus..
  • eriktice
    eriktice Posts: 42 Member
    25 units of Humalog Basal. Approximately 37 units a day for bolus.

    I'm 5 foot 11 and at 190 lbs. Hope to lost 10-15 more pounds.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I want to get a CGM, but my doctor said my sugars are too good, so he doesn't want to fight with the insurance company over it. It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard--you take such good care of yourself, we're going to punish you and make it harder for you than it has to be. If only you'd let your sugar get really out of control and ended up in the hospital--then we'd help you.
  • stephaniep12345mfp
    stephaniep12345mfp Posts: 116 Member
    I was just looking on my pump to scroll through my daily totals so I could respond to this, and I discovered that it has an averaging function on it. I never noticed that before, so thanks to all of you for helping me learn something new today! :)

    I did an average of the last 21 days, and here's what it says:

    Total Insulin/Day = 27.175
    Basal Insulin/Day = 15.9

    I've got several basal rates set up throughout the day. It's amazing how different the body reacts at different times of the day.

    My insulin:carb ratio is generally around 1:15
  • shm1289
    shm1289 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm on the pump and use close to 25 units for basal and 20 units for boluses. I used to use around 65-70 total units a day though so this is a huge improvement for me!
  • conservativek
    conservativek Posts: 74 Member
    My total daily basal rate is 33.0 units per day, and I bolus anywhere from 2-10 units per day. My usual overall daily total is between 35-40 units. :smile:
  • conservativek
    conservativek Posts: 74 Member
    OOPS-- Accidentally posted this twice on the forum. My daily basal rate is currently at 33 units, with anywhere from 2 to 10 units of bolus each day. Daily totals run between 35-40 units/day. Hope this is helpful.
  • anne018
    anne018 Posts: 33 Member
    so far i take an average of 45 units a day
    My daily total averages 22 units on the pump.....1/2 is basal and the other 1/2 is bolus.....I've been on the pump for +12 years and a Type 1 diabetic for 42 years....does this help?
    One thing that works great for me is to keep my carb intake per meal or snack less than 30 grams of carbo's,......I am an active person with horses and herding dogs....using myfitnesspal does help keep Blood Sugars and weight in check....and I can use the report function to give to my endocrinologist....along with BS & meal dosage logs....It's all good....
  • keithgi
    keithgi Posts: 96 Member
    I take 22.2 units in basal and generally somewhere between 12 and 20 units a day with bolusing. A good average would be 40 units/day.
  • type1foodie
    I'm always curious about this, too. I take 15 units of basal insulin and 15-30 units of bolus/correction insulin. My I:C ratio is 1u:5cb.
  • wannabthin65
    wannabthin65 Posts: 92 Member
    Ive been wondering what others take also. Ive been a diabetic 39 yrs but only using a pump approx 6-8 weeks. Im loving it too!
    My carb ratio is 1:14 My basal is .4/hr My daily total avg i25-26 u.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    OMG, I feel like I am not even reading this right, I seem to take a TON if insulin compaired to everyone else here!

    I take 30 units of basal insulin at 10am, and 60 units of basal insulin at 10pm.

    Then I take 25-60 units three times a day with meals of bolus insulin with meals, PLUS an extra 10-20 units before bed, IF my blood sugar is NORMAL, and more if it needs correction. And, if I wake up and my blood sugar is normal, I take 12-15 units to keep it normal until breakfast time, or if it is high, I take anywhere from 25-40 units of corrective.

    That means I am taking 90 units of basal and 150-240 units of basal per day.....

    I have been diabetic for 24 years, type one, but I weight about 360lbs, I guess I am pretty resistant because of all the ratio is 1:2

    Edited to add: anyone else here take that much?