Important stuff will go here one day.
When do you exercise?
So, I wake up at 5:30 am for work, get the kids ready and hustle out the door to sit in traffic. I don't get home until late, like most of America and when I get home it's dinner, homework, bath and bedtime and all I want to do when I get home is kick my feet up and relax. Not to mention I freak out when I have a messy…
New Year, New YOU
Since Jan. 1st, i've been exercising everyday - I missed 2 days, but I committed myself to THINKING I will work out EVERYDAY. that train of thought really works, so on the days I'm too busy to workout, I don't feel guilty. I even have been exercising at my desk, yes, at my desk - arm circles, neck circles, leg ups, even…
I want to try this INSANITY workout. Does anyone have any feedback? Is it worth the spend? I don't know that I can commit everyday... Would really like to hear some honest feedback.
I tripped on a rock, but I'm back.
Ok, so no, I didn't really trip on a rock, but I have been busy and a little lazy. I've been trying to prepare for Christmas and have had house guests so I've been a little off course. It's hard to walk by the cookie tray and NOT grab one when I'm on the move. I tried to put a nut tray down, but that's not working out as I…
HELP! No appetite in the morning...
I know Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I more then understand why it is...the problem I am having is that despite my bottomless pit appetite, I can't muster up enough craving to eat in the morning! Even when I am hungry I can't get past a couple bites of whatever is in front of me. Then when lunch…
Eat Some Fiber Today
So I read this article on fiber and well, I overlook this nutrient a little bit. So I'm sharing the guts of it... "Some good general rules of thumb for upping your intake include: *Choose more fruits with edible seeds, skins, and membranes, including apples, raspberries, and oranges. *Reach for veggies with tough stalks…
What change can you make TODAY towards a healthier YOU?
Today when I'm sitting down, I will do at least 5 leg lifts each time.
What good choices did you make today?
I chose to eat almonds instead of chips today :)