Bodyweight Training and Conditioning.

Many of us wish to be healthy and strong. One thing that bothers me is when I shake the hands of some men, the grip is loose and flimsy. Its not a fault, it just bothers me. I am often told to ease up on my grip. it took me minute to grasp why people would comment on my hand strength. Then it hit me, for most of my life I had to work with my hands, my workouts consists of 5 basic to advanced exercises.
  1. push up
  2. squat
  3. pull up
  4. leg raise
  5. bridge
    All of which benefit the whole body when executed properly. The side effects unfortunately is a stronger than average hand strength. Bodyweight Exercises otherwise known as Calisthenics is the answer to why people comment on my grip on a regular basis. So I am a little self conscious about shaking hands. Hugging isn't any better. So if your like me and wish to explore the world of no equipment and true grit... Join this group no matter your fitness level all are welcome!
Owner: Vegas_DonLeaders: Vegas_DonCreated on December 30, 201415 membersPrivacy: Public



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