Exercise across America

Here are the rules:

1) Choose a State (listed below) to exercise across. If you're new to exercise, select Rhode Island or if your a seasoned athlete, try the loftier goal of Texas.

2) If You're taking a beginner challenge aim to exercise for at least a total of 90 minutes each week.

3) If you're taking an Intermediate/Advanced challenge aim to exercise for at least a total of 3 hours each week.

4) Vary the duration and intensity of your exercise. Some days exercise easy for a longer period of time while others days try to boost the intensity of your workout but exercise for less time. Also vary the activities you do. This will help reduce your chances of plateauing or becoming bored with your program and may even reduce your risk of become injured.

5) Record your exercise miles on the challenge log sheet (on this forum or create your own sheet)

6) Make the trip interesting! If you're exercising across Colorado, try doing more climbing activities such as stair climbing, step aerobics or walking/running on hills. Or if your goal is Hawaii, how about swimming, qua jogging, or trying a rowing machine or dance class.

7) Take as many challenges as you like! Just remember that your accumulated mileage can only be used for one challenge at a time, except for the coast to coast challenge where you can add up various states' mileage to reach your 2775 mile gaol.

The states:
Coast to Coast 2775 miles
Alabama 195 miles
Alaska 858 miles
Arizona 315 miles
Arkansas 227 miles
California 247 miles
Colorado 371 miles
Connecticut 80 miles
Delaware 36 miles
Florida 138 miles
Georgia 227 miles
Hawaii 75 miles
Idaho 302 miles
Illinois 212 miles
Indiana 139 miles
Iowa 310 miles
Kansas 390 miles
Kentucky 351 miles
Louisiana 177 miles
Maine 198 miles
Maryland 215 miles
Massachusetts 125 miles
Michigan 185 miles
Minnesota 273 miles
Mississippi 159 miles
Missouri 295 miles
Montana 546 miles
Nebraska 400 miles
Nevada 317 miles
New Hampshire 76 miles
New Jersey 72 miles
New Mexico 340 miles
New York 285 miles
North Carolina 396 miles
North Dakota 355 miles
Ohio 225 miles
Oklahoma 305 miles
Oregon 358 miles
Pennsylvania 286 miles
Rhode Island 27 miles
South Carolina 207 miles
South Dakota 379 miles
Tennessee 439 miles
Texas 661 miles
Utah 267 miles
Vermont 81 miles
Virginia 340 miles
Washington 335 miles
West Virginia 149 miles
Wisconsin 254 miles
Wyoming 348 miles

Post what state you are tackling and then add in your mileage when you log it! If you want to go by minutes lets use 10 minutes=1 mile.
Owner: GrandmaJackieLeaders: GrandmaJackieCreated on January 9, 201520 membersPrivacy: Public


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