No fear of commitment here! Daily motivation toward living life more fully! :)

Here's the gist of the thread (similarly titled) that I started under the main "Motivation and Support" forum:

I have looked around the boards and have seen many encouraging threads, but it seems that sometimes several days pass without a posting. I know that I need daily encouragement, and so I will check the boards every day and we can cheer each other on!!! I am GOING to get under 200. What about you?

I am trained to help people, but I need to help myself! I will also pledge to help you..if you will help me stay motivated, too!!

Ideally, a few folks will join in for daily check-ins and the other relevant info mentioned above. For me, life is relationship-based (including one's relationship with one's self), and I need to improve mine. We all have our stories of loss, struggle, trauma, disappoint, but let's move through them instead of being buried by them. Anyone care to join?
Owner: eml298Leaders: eml298Created on February 22, 201529 membersPrivacy: Private