Cyclists over 60 in the San Francisco Bay Area

Hi! I'm new to myfitnesspal and have discovered there is no group search function, so it's possible another senior cyclist group exists here -- I just am not motivated to review thousands of group titles to find out.

In any case, this new group is very specific: members need to be "serious" cyclists, 60 years old or older, and live in the San Francisco Bay Area.

As the group's founder, I'm 65 and live in the Oakland, hills. I'm a long-time cyclist, but out of shape right now due to an endocrine problem that has since been resolved.

As of March 1 I'm starting a 12-week program intended to help me lose weight and build a fitness base for a fantastic summer riding season.

I'm hoping riders of both sexes will join the group and accompany me on rides. There'd be a Sunday ride as well as two or three mid-week rides. The pace won't be too hard, and nobody will be left behind. But that said, these WILL be training rides and will require a willingness to suffer once in a while.

This would be a social group, and from our older and wiser perspective we'd discuss our fitness program, of course, but also many aspects of daily life, from the effects of social media to changes going on in the Bay Area.

I hope a group of over-60 Bay Area cyclists can come together here, and from it would spring enjoyable rides, spirited conversation, and maybe even some enduring friendships.

So don't be shy! You've got lots of miles left in you, and cycling's always more fun when done in good company. Please sign up! I've already go a kick-off ride schedled for March 29.

See you soon!

- John Mulvihill
- technical writer (retired)
- Oakland, CA
Owner: JohntechwriterLeaders: JohntechwriterCreated on March 4, 20151 membersPrivacy: Public


Important stuff will go here one day.


Awfully quiet in here, isn’t it?

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Aw snap, no events are coming up.
