Post your goals HERE!
So we have 1 place to look for our goals, lets all post them here. My goal for this 30 days is to lose 10 pounds and gain lean muscle. I hope to achieve this by doing cardio 5x/wk and weights at LEAST 3x/wk. My schedule will look like this: Sunday: 1 hour step (cardio), 30-45mins weights Monday: 1 hour turbo kick Tuesday:…
Day 30 - FINAL WEIGH IN!!!!
Hello FITASTICs! Today is Day 30 of the challenge! It goes by so quick! This month I did NOT hit my goal of losing 10 pounds. I did lose 6 though! I tried, but I see that this weight that I am at now is going to be extremely difficult, and I am working on adjusting my diet to help lose these additional 14 pounds that I…
Day 28 & 29: Fitsperation
Hello all, Just wanted to share some of the people I follow on instagram and use them as my "fitsperation." They really help to keep me going as I have becoming an IG addict (by the way, follow me at Here's a list (more to be added later): @chalenejohnson @fitmotivation bella faconi mankofit Check…
Day 21 Weigh-in
Hey pals, I didn't see anyone start the post for today's weigh-in and if I'm not mistaken we are due to post today. Since our last weigh-in I have lost 4.8 pounds. My goal for the next weigh-in will be to get to 160 which is an additional 1.6 pounds and put me at 5 pounds from my ultimate goal weight of 155. Hope everyone…
Day 22 & 23 - Easy Ab Workouts
Hi FITASTICs, I posted these simple ab workouts on my fb page and wanted to share. Please share any easy routines you have come across. Also follow me on all my social networks: Twitter: Instagram:…
Hi FITASTICs. My friend Carla shared this article with me and I thought it was an excellent read for the challenge. Thank you Carla. Hope you are all still losing!!!! I'm on a plane right now as I type headed to DC for the inauguration. Next weigh in on Day 21! Xo, Brittny AEROBICS IS NOT THE KEY TO WEIGHT LOSS…. YOU CAN’T…
Day 14 - WEIGH IN!!!!!
Day 14 - WEIGH IN! Today we're weighing in!!! Share your progress and how many pounds or inches you have lost this week (or any other type of progress you'd like to share!). Can you believe it's day 14?! We're almost half way done! My progress this week: 2 pounds lost. I'm happy because I actually gained 2 pounds back then…
Day 12 & 13 - The People Around You
Day 12 & 13 - The People Around You I've combined these two days due to my busy-ness! Today I would like to talk about the people around you. As I was losing weight, I noticed I had those whom regularly congratulated me, and those that never said a word to me until they would see me in person. Even then they said nothing!…
Day 3 - Excuses
Day 3 - Excuses Today I'm going to talk about excuses. Many people fail to achieve their weight loss goals because of them. When I decided to really get serious and lose the weight, I knew excuses would not be an option, and I took this seriously. I stopped making excuses for not getting my workouts in months ago. I get…
Day 10 & 11
Hi all...I have combined these days because I was sick and didn't get to check in for day 10! Even though I am still recovering, I did not miss my workouts. Today when I worked out I felt horrible, quite honestly. I came home, took a nap, woke up, and now I feel a lot better!!! I can tell this cold (or whatever it is) is…
Day 9 - General Discussion
Day 9 - General Discussion Today I would like to have a general discussion of anything you're running into in your weight loss journey. One thing I'm definitely noticing is that weight loss does not get easier as you continue to lose. I've hit one significant plateau, and I incorporated weights into my routine to break…