Important stuff will go here one day.
Day 30
Ended on a bang! Elliptical - 3 miles, walking - 8 miles April total: 116.2 Great job on April! Hope you are able to keep it up each month :)
Day 29
Walked 3 miles (rainy day
Day 28
4.5 today (helping out at The Kid's softball practice makes it easy to get a lot of steps in), for a monthly total of 103 (!!!) foot-miles.
Day 27
2.2 today (it was not a good day for moving OR food) for 98.something for the month.
Day 26
6.3 (helped that we had our March of Dimes fundraiser walk this morning!); monthly total of 96.3.
Day 25
4 miles today, 90 for the month.
Day 24
3.7 today makes my total for the month an even 86.
Day 23
5.2 btw the fitbit and the elliptical. 82.3 for the month.
Earth Day!!! (4/22)
2.7 today just living life... Was gonna go for a walk while The Kid was at ballet but it had turned (relatively) FRIGID and was threatening to SNOW (can you tell I am NOT amused?) so I didn't. Anyway. 77.1 total foot-miles for the month.
Day 21
elliptical - 3.2, walking - 6 April total - 63.3* * I was out of my routine for two days due to a tree falling on our house during a thunderstorm. I obviously walked Sunday and Monday, but I don't have the brain power to try to figure it out ;) . Hopefully I'll hit 100 miles even without those two days!