FireHost Fitness Challenge 2015

Whether you are an avid athlete, trying to keep a New Years resolution alive, or just looking to get a little healthier, this challenge is for you!

It isn’t just about competing (though there will be plenty of that) but about setting goals and achieving something as a group. The Challenge begins April 6th and will continue for eight weeks, wrapping up just as summer begins and beach bodies are needed.

Challenge Parameters:

Eat Healthy
Be Accountable

The Rules:

Stick to the diet plan. Eat healthy five days a week.
Workout 45 minutes a day four days a week at a minimum.
Track your food and workouts. You do not have to share them but be sure to write them down.
Check in once a week and let us know you are staying on track.

Two Ways To Compete:

Weight Loss Warrior
  • Each participant will pay an entry fee of $50. All entry fees will be combined and serve as the grand prize for the greatest loser at the end of the competition.
  • Weekly weigh-ins will be performed first thing every Monday. This will be done using the "official" scale and BMI monitor of the challenge.
  • Measurements are most accurate if recorded first thing each day before eating, drinking or exercising
  • Measurements will be tracked and recorded by the Fitness Challenge Director and acknowledged by each participant
  • At the conclusion of the competition the "winner" will be the individual with the largest percentage of body fat lost
Ex: Christopher starts the challenge with a body fat of 34.9% and ends the challenge with a body fat of 25.4%. His percentage of body fat lost is 27%.

We have looked into several methods of determining success within the challenge considering weight loss, muscle gain, fat and BMI. Using the fat loss percentage is a fair and accurate way to measure success for all participants.

Total Transformation
  • Participants will have an entry fee of $50. Entry fees will be combined and serve as the grand prize for the participant with the most points at the end of the competition.
  • Participants must have a starting body fat at or below the challenge limits to participate in this category. During the challenge participants will look to lower body fat and add muscle, both of which will result in points. The participant with the greatest number of points at the conclusion of the challenge wins.
  • Men and women will compete in separate divisions for this challenge type as their ability to lose fat and gain weight vary drastically.
Ex: Christopher starts the challenge with a body fat of 13% and weight of 200 lbs (he wishes) and ends the challenge with a body fat of 11% and weight of 210lbs. His percentage of body fat lost is 15% earning him 15 points. His total weight gained is 10 lbs earning him 10 points. Total points for the competition is 25.

Challenge Enthusiast
Participants who wish to compete and take advantage of the camaraderie without paying an entry fee are welcome to do so via this option. Participants in this track will receive the same benefits and services as those in the weight loss warrior track, but will not be required to weigh-in or share personal details. Each participant will only be asked to set a personal fitness goal upon entry to the program, and is encouraged to personally support team members. There will be no single “winner” in this program, as everyone who participates is taking steps toward a healthier lifestyle which is a WIN in itself.
Owner: aalawvereLeaders: aalawvere, christopherwood731Created on April 9, 201522 membersPrivacy: Private