r/loseit Summer 2015 Challenge

The group for the reddit.com/r/loseit Summer 2015 Challenge. Use this group to connect with your fellow dieters, share your progress, and give encouragement as we all work to get the bodies we wish we had!

If you haven't already, be sure to check out the announcement post for the challenge. Sign-ups are still open, all you have to do is fill out this Google Form, and the organizer will add you to the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is where you will go throughout the challenge to log your weekly weight and see your progress! It may take a day or two after you sign up through the form before your name appears in the spreadsheet.

To make things a little more interesting, there are teams for this challenge. Check the spreadsheet to find out what team you're on, and look below to find your team's group, as well:

Blue Barracudas
Green Monkeys
Magenta Manatees
Orange Iguanas
Purple Parrots
Red Jaguars
Teal Tapirs
Yellow Anacondas
Owner: therationalpiLeaders: therationalpi, NisforNightOwlCreated on June 11, 2015194 membersPrivacy: Public



Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
