Important stuff will go here one day.
quote of week
The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary
quote of the week
Don't give up what you want most, for what you want now
quote of the da
physical fitness can neither be achieved by wishful thinking nor outtight purchase joseph pilates
great works are preformed not by strength but by perserverances samuel johnson
quote of the week
If a man wants to move the world, he must first move himself. Socrates
trail mix
Twist and Shout Trail Mix Recipe This is a great project for younger kids (aged 2-6). Not only do they feel proud about preparing their own snack, they also get the chance to practice their math skills. Ingredients: •1/2 to 1 cup Multi-Grain Cheerios® •1/2 to 1 Cup mini pretzels (preferable oat bran) •1/2 cup of raisins…
quote of the week
“Every bite of food is an investment in your body’s future, a debt your body will have to pay off, or both.” -Dr. Alan Greene
quote of the day
If you are asking yourself whether you should make your workout harder... you should
quote of the week
Ask yourself this questin: Whill this matter a year from now? Richard Carlson
quote of the week
"you miss 100% of the shots you dont take" Wayne Gretzky