Walk A Mile Or 5 In My Shoes!

This is a walking/running and biking group dedicated to getting our members out of the house! It used to be known as Too Inspired to be Tired. Walkers you are committing to striving for 100 miles in the month of July! Bikers we are striving for 200 miles for the month of July! Yes beautifulif is mdcjmom! I will create a spreadsheet and update as much as possible. Report in to the group website daily with your mileage totals. Add them to the correct dates. Step counters ok. Exercise machines that track mileage ok. Fitbits, pedometers etc ok Challenge will start July 1 and run thru July 31. Here is the link to the spreadsheet. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-rrvhWAyFhx9gQqHEVZyETQo3j6LWdbhAsPoqAPO8YU/edit?usp=sharing.
Owner: beautifulifLeaders: beautifulifCreated on June 29, 201512 membersPrivacy: Public



Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
