Important stuff will go here one day.
Portage Park walks
Anyone up for meeting in Portage Park to work towards app challenges?
April 2015 30-day walking challenge
Who wants to do this with me? Today is Easter Sunday, and after church I'll be walking 1.9 mi to hopefully not pig out too much at a friend's house. If I walk back home and then a little further I'll meet the goal for Day 1 for intermediate walkers. If not, then I'll surpass the goal for a beginner walker. Any thoughts? Mar
February 2013
Please feel free to post some ideas for an event we can plan for February.
March 2013
This is not really an active activity but a fun one. So don't count this as the March activity, just an additional event. The polar plunge is March 3rd at North Ave. beach. I've done this before and it's a very fun event, you can also have friends and family sponsor you with proceeds going to charity.…
Clothing Exchange
I have a few size 12's, nice work clothes from White House Black Market. Is anyone interested in having them? If so, then let me know and we can meet up for coffee and I will give them to you. I hate to give the really nice stuff to Goodwill.