90/10 Way of Life

I am a holistic nutritionist that believes in the 90/10 way of life. We can't or shouldn't only eat to nourish our bodies. I know...I know...but we have to feed our psyche. This defined is: the totality of the human mind, conscious and unconscious. I prescribe to the balance in life and nutrition that for 90% of the time we eat to nourish our bodies by consuming nutrient-rich foods that feed our bodies. However, 10% of the time we need to feed our psyche. We should eat for the enjoyable experience, pleasure, and fun it brings to our lives. I believe our bodies can handle 10% of our intake being anti-nutrient foods if the other 90% of the time we feed our bodies with nutrient-dense food. I have started this group to discuss this and talk about how to achieve this balance. I would love to share the journey with you all. I will post recipes and ideas often and would love feedback.
Owner: allisondphillipsLeaders: allisondphillipsCreated on October 1, 20154 membersPrivacy: Public


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