Your RECOVERY Network: Eat Clean - Live Clean!

Hey All -

This is a group for those of us that are in Recovery or love and support someone who is.

Staying clean is NOT easy, and for most of us, keeping away from drugs and alcohol is a daily challenge. One of the best tools we have is a collective network of like minded men and women who not only will support us, but keep us accountable for our actions.

But another problem that a good many of us face is turning to food when we get clean to help us combat those cravings. Heck, anything is better than using, but we need to make sure we don't swap one addiction for another, and replace our DoC's with unhealthy foods that could take us away from our loved ones too soon as well!

Please join if you are staying Clean and trying to eat right and exercise! We could all use a little more help!
Owner: CS_BaltimoreLeaders: CS_BaltimoreCreated on December 9, 20157 membersPrivacy: Public


Important stuff will go here one day.


Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
