PCOS Sisters - 6 Pounds Lighter By Valentine's Day!

Every one interested in this group knows how difficult it is to have PCOS. It’s frustrating, heartbreaking, and confusing. It can make even the most optimistic person experience self-doubt and low self-esteem; throw in a belly pooch and hirsutism (yay facial hair…) and it can be a struggle to feel feminine and beautiful.

This Valentine’s Day I want to give MYSELF a gift of love and health. It’s too hard and scary to try to lose big numbers in a month and a half so my target weight loss is 6 pounds by February 14th.

If losing even a few pounds seems daunting, this is the group for you! We will check in every Sunday after the New Year (I’ll create a discussion group each weekend for the check-in). Feel free to contribute tips, advice, and support. We’re sisters in this together and we CAN have the life we deserve!
Owner: KawkeyLeaders: KawkeyCreated on December 29, 201517 membersPrivacy: Public



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Aw snap, no events are coming up.
