2016 Journey to My Dreambody

Happy New Year! So I've decided to challenge myself this year to achieve my goal of getting in the best shape of my life. With an initial weight of nearly 300 lbs I was aready very large and unhealthy. My blood pressure was high, cholesterol levels high, pre-diabetic and knee and back pain. It was an awful time and felt trapped. Obesity was the main culprit to my depression and I began to slowly eat better and exercise more. Gradually I lost about 80 lbs. Now at 210 lbs I have my neck back and I can wear old clothes that didn't fit anymore. Overall I feel alot stronger and better than I used be. Small steps towards my goal have led to to a successful weightloss but now it's time to climb that mountain again and literally transform my body. In order to do this I've created this challenge group so I can share my journey and inspire you guys to do the same and hold eachother accountable. Over the years I've learned alot about health and fitness and nutrition. The internet is so saturated with information that I almost lost my mind. So I needed to have a clear and focused goal and plan things out. It took alot of trial and error with all sorts of fad diets and quick fixes that don't really work. Slow progress will be long term and this challenge will last until August. My goal weight is 140 lbs. I will share my transformation starting today with regular progess updates and weekly pics with weigh-ins. I'll share my tips and meals aswell. We can do this together! Only you can be in control of your body... so BE in control! Hope you guys have and awesome journey to you goals!
Owner: ebhrivera193Leaders: ebhrivera193Created on January 2, 201611 membersPrivacy: Public


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