Operation: Weight Loss Revolution

Hey fellow weight loss peeps! I have created this group for all those who are here to lose weight of any number! You could be looking to lose 5lbs to 500+lbs! The sky's the limit! Some of us lose weight easily with little to no motivation, others like me, need and appreciate as much motivation and support as we can get.

A little about me: I am 36, a mom of three and married. At my very heaviest I weighed 340 pounds back in 2010. Since then I have lost and gained and I am starting over fresh now.
My SW & CW is 313lbs
My GW is 160lbs

Like I said above, this group is for ANYONE trying to lose weight and become more healthy! Lets work together to meet our goals, learn healthy habits and melt away this unwanted weight that we all have.
Weight capacity max for the group: Unlimited!
Owner: TheDiaryOfAFatGirlLeaders: TheDiaryOfAFatGirlCreated on March 3, 201623 membersPrivacy: Public



Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
