MFP Apprentice April
M otivation
F urthers
P erformance
This challenge will begin April 1st and continue through April 30th.
This is a team oriented daily challenge based on the TV show "The Apprentice". There are two teams competing against each other. Teams to be announced (reining March champions keeps their team name).
There will be daily physical challenges assigned by the CEO for all of us to perform. Every challenge will be given a monetary value (i.e. Earn $500 for 100 jumping jacks, $100 for every mile walked/run, etc). The team earns the most money by the end of the month wins this challenge. (Of course there is no actual money being won or exchanged. I am using monetary figures due to the apprentice theme).
Lisa and I will also be participating as team members (one on each team) for this challenge.
There will be an initial weigh in (March 31st) as there will be bonuses given periodically for weight loss. (please don't be shy with this, we are all here for the same reasons and to help each other)
Team members need to log in daily for your instructions, do the very best you can to complete the tasks to earn the money for your team. At the end of the day you need to report what you accomplished and earned for that day.
Team leaders need to motivate your team and collect and report the figures.
The CEO (me) will assign the daily challenges and report standing through the month. I may even submit an occasional video for you to click and watch. It is the discretion of the CEO if someone gets "FIRED"
My team of trusted advisers (Lisa) will assist in monitoring team progress, motivation, and advising me if someone needs to be fired.
This is meant to be fun (not stressful). This will hopefully encourage all of us to try something different and to give that extra effort for your team!!
F urthers
P erformance
This challenge will begin April 1st and continue through April 30th.
This is a team oriented daily challenge based on the TV show "The Apprentice". There are two teams competing against each other. Teams to be announced (reining March champions keeps their team name).
There will be daily physical challenges assigned by the CEO for all of us to perform. Every challenge will be given a monetary value (i.e. Earn $500 for 100 jumping jacks, $100 for every mile walked/run, etc). The team earns the most money by the end of the month wins this challenge. (Of course there is no actual money being won or exchanged. I am using monetary figures due to the apprentice theme).
Lisa and I will also be participating as team members (one on each team) for this challenge.
There will be an initial weigh in (March 31st) as there will be bonuses given periodically for weight loss. (please don't be shy with this, we are all here for the same reasons and to help each other)
Team members need to log in daily for your instructions, do the very best you can to complete the tasks to earn the money for your team. At the end of the day you need to report what you accomplished and earned for that day.
Team leaders need to motivate your team and collect and report the figures.
The CEO (me) will assign the daily challenges and report standing through the month. I may even submit an occasional video for you to click and watch. It is the discretion of the CEO if someone gets "FIRED"
My team of trusted advisers (Lisa) will assist in monitoring team progress, motivation, and advising me if someone needs to be fired.
This is meant to be fun (not stressful). This will hopefully encourage all of us to try something different and to give that extra effort for your team!!
Owner: theparnellsseanLeaders: theparnellssean, theparnellslisaCreated on March 24, 201629 membersPrivacy: Public