"Bikini" Body Challenge: April 1 - June 24

Summer is almost here (*gasp*), so it's time to start thinking about that "bikini" body we've all been working so hard to achieve! Marci had the great idea to challenge ourselves for 12 weeks to feel better in the summer swimsuit of our choice, and like most aspects of the journey, the challenge is up to you to design in a way that works best for your lifestyle and your goals. The challenge OFFICIALLY starts April 1 and runs through June 24, but I'd encourage you all to start as soon as you want!

"Bikini Body Challenge"
1. Set your weight loss and fitness goals.
2. Decide your reward per pound loss and exercise completed.
3. Work your butt off... literally.
4. REWARD YOURSELF!!! Now that you've finished, it's time to buy that swimsuit and rock it all summer long!!!

Good luck to you all!!!
Owner: lbowes13Leaders: lbowes13Created on March 24, 201618 membersPrivacy: Private