Let's talk LGBT, KINK, BDSM

A group where you can come speak freely no matter what you are and be open and honest. Please be positive and respectful of each other no one needs to be disrespected. That is not what we are here for this is about supporting each other to reach goals no matter what they may be. Some of us need to lose weight other's need to gain weight, some need to just be motivated to stay on track and not give up, other's may need a friend just someone to talk to cheer them up. I don't know what else to put in here this life is hard for each and everyone of us the struggle is real. I know first hand 2 years ago I weighed 400 pounds I was made fun of disrespected walked all over and very depressed I just didn't care. If this group can reach out and help just one person then it's done it's job. Another thing a know it's very hard living in a place where people are so judgmental and very quick to judge a book by it's cover before they listen to the choices you have made and living a life you love and that makes you happy.
In this group I want people to open up, ask question, seek out help if needed, be yourself, pull up a chair make yourself right at home please and remember no shaming! Thank you
Owner: JenniferSchaffer1Leaders: JenniferSchaffer1Created on May 10, 201622 membersPrivacy: Public


Important stuff will go here one day.


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