December Mummies Biggest Loser Challenge (August 2016)

Hello Ladies!

Welcome to the Biggest Loser Challenge, August addition. For the next month we'll use this group to motivate each other and hold each other accountable for meeting our individual weight loss goals. We CAN do this!

Okay, that's enough cheesiness for now. Here's how it will work:

We'll weigh in every MONDAY in the month of AUGUST, starting Monday 1st August. Please record your starting weight in the discussion section each Monday before midnight. I'll track everyone's losses on a Google doc and will attach it to the group for everyone to see. Winners will be announced weekly, as well as for the whole month. The person with the highest body weight loss % for the month will win the challenge for August!

Any questions, please let me know. Good luck!!
Owner: hailtopixiesLeaders: hailtopixiesCreated on June 30, 201621 membersPrivacy: Public



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