Founders of Ilvermorny
Welcome to the first ever Ilvermorny Challenge.
Friends, we are so excited that you have chosen to undertake this journey with us across the seas to the unknown. We hope you find this challenge rewarding, and enjoy participating as much as we've enjoyed creating it.
Please contact a member of the Faculty if you have any questions.
Headmistress @Saeraphine, Head of Horned Serpent
Professor @rbratt06, Head of Pukwudgie
Professor @Arielluma, Head of Thunderbird
Professor @Dapperwulf, Head of Wampus
Professor @rbratt06, Head of Pukwudgie
Professor @Arielluma, Head of Thunderbird
Professor @Dapperwulf, Head of Wampus
Owner: SaeraphineLeaders: Saeraphine, Arielluma, dapperwulfCreated on July 21, 201620 membersPrivacy: Private