Important stuff will go here one day.
Is this still a group?
Is this still an active group?
Hi There
Just introducing myself! I currently live in Westland, but will be moving back to Wayne within the month. Just wanted to find some people in the same area. Have a Happy 4th! Hope all is well, Enjoy your workouts and eat well =) -Rebekah
5k on Saturday
Are we ready for our 5k? I will be there can't wait.
Happy Easter everyone
Today can be an exception not the rule (as for as r eating habits r concerned)
How to figure out your RMR
If you think YOU have challenges...NOTHING is Impossible!
Watch this video! So inspirational! Sorry, I don't know how to imbed a video directly in here but copy and paste this link into your browser. It's worth the time to watch it!!
Sharing a blog: Too fat to be photographed
A friend of mine shared this on facebook and it spoke to me (I hate having my picture taken!) Thought I'd share...
Hey buddys, Westland Mall 4 p.m. today, 28th. In front of Kohls and A&W. Join us.
Good luck on your weigh-ins tomorrow!
Wishing you all luck tomorrow. I'm hoping I get that very GENEROUS scale again this week. :smile: I was a pretty good week for the most part.
Work out Buddies or Groups
I hate going to the gym alone! Luckily, I know quite a few people who have memberships to Planet Fitness and can usually find someone to go with me. Our small group has widely varying schedules so meeting as a group during the week has proven difficult. If you're looking for buddies to work out with, leave a reply to this…