2017 Motivation and Support Group

Hey yall this group is for all of us needing any kind of Motivation and Support as we all work towards goals that you may have set for yourself. I know myself I have been struggling and I just need to get back on track and restart things again. One of my major goals that I'm going to be starting is working towards losing 80 pounds and my goal is to have it gone by the end of 2017, I know I can do this I have done it before. I'm not struggling with my exercise as I go to the gym 5 days a week for 2.5 hours a day before work I have been doing that for almost 3 months now, I can tell you it was hard at first to get up early but now it doesn't bother me. Please feel free to share what ever you like to share with all of us and good luck everyone lets all do this.
Owner: Fitnessmom38Leaders: Fitnessmom38Created on December 28, 20168 membersPrivacy: Public



Awfully quiet in here, isn’t it?

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